Page 101 of The Sound Of Silence

“Very thoughtful of you,” I say, trying hard not to smile because I’m still pissed off, but of course, it sneaks through. I walk past him and into the house with Ryan hot on my trail, no doubt desperate to find Pippa, and when we enter the kitchen, I’m grateful to find her there, pulling something from the fridge.

Putting on a smile, I brace myself for how she’s going to react, but when she turns around and sees Ryan, her eyes shine with a hint of happiness before she hides it. I release a sigh, knowing I did the right thing, and step away as she speaks.


Chapter Forty-One


“Whatareyoudoinghere?” Pippa whispers, a slight edge to her tone. Ryan doesn’t answer right away, and the house falls silent as they stare at each other awkwardly. I’ve never wished myself gone more than I do right now.Yet, I fucking came back here with them. It wasmychoice.Because I can’t be away from Willow.

I’m about to say something, or cough, when Ryan finally grows some balls and moves to Pippa, his hands lifting toward her face. I can’t say for sure what happens next because I look away, but it doesn’t take a genius to guess.

Though I want nothing to do with this little reunion, and I’m pissed off that something between them sent Pippa spiraling, I can appreciate that Ryan deserves some credit for showing up. If he hadn’t…I know Pippa would have written him off completely. It’s a good move and shows that he cares.

If only he’d figured out his feelings before this week happened, then he could have been here in my place.

A sharp pang pierces my chest when my thoughts sink in, my traitorous gaze glancing in Willow’s direction. While none of it’s a lie—Ryan being here with Pippa would have saved me and Willow from a lot of heartache—the thought of never having been here pains me.Fuck! How did I let it get this far?

Willow was supposed to be long gone. A memory I’d pushed away. A darkness I was meant to forget. Part of a life I left behind.

I should say goodbye now and save us both from the inevitable, but I’m fairly certain it’s too late for that.

She’s everywhere. I’m in too deep. Her smell still lingers on my clothes, her sounds are still present in my mind… I feel her beneath my hands, on my lips, in my fuckingchest.

Every second of our moment together plays on repeat in my head, slowly taking over my senses. From the instant our lips touched there was no going back for me. I need to taste her, consume her, make her mine, but fuck…I’m going to hell for it. Kissing her was a colossal mistake. But one I can’t even bring myself to regret. And that’s what makes it more dangerous. Because if I’m not prepared to walk away knowing all the facts, how can I expect her to do it?

As a strange energy takes over the room, my mind drifts back to our kiss. I always thought I’d recoil the first time I kissed someone again, but I knew, before we even touched, that wouldn’t happen with Willow. She was always going to be my exception. I just never expected to find her. And now, the more I get of her, the more I crave. Nothing has ever felt so right, and yet, it’s reallyfucking wrong.

She’s an angel and I’m the devil with my hand hovering over her throat, wielding all the power, knowing that with one squeeze I could end her.Or I could be her savior.


If we hadn't been interrupted, I would have gone all the way. I would have possessed every part of her until I was buried deep inside. I would have claimed her. Fucked all the other men out of her system, until I was all that remained. Because God knows she’s etched in my soul, and while that pains me to my core, I know it’s never going to change.

But Willow deserves better.

I hear my name mentioned in the kitchen, snapping me from my dangerous thoughts.

“How about Jesse and I give you some alone time?” Willow says, and I feel like I missed something.

“Thank you. Just ten minutes. I don’t want to kick you out of your home.” Pippa smiles in thanks as Ryan stands frozen beside her, and while she annoys me at times, I want to see her happy.

“I’ll be in the yard,” I say, before jumping up to leave. Giving them their alone time.

I sense Willow’s presence behind me before I hear her steps, and my heart jolts. I’ve just made it to the end of the hall when her bedroom door creaks and the feel of her disappears.

Pausing with my hand on the door handle, I run through all the reasons I should keep going, but none of them stick.Fuck it. I’m done being the good guy.

In two quick strides, I’m standing outside her room. Consequences be damned.

Rushing inside, I gently push the door shut and flick the lock. A lock I’m almost certain wasn’t here the last time I was in her room.Is she scared of me? Or someone else?

When I turn around, my gaze meets her half-naked form just as she registers my sudden appearance, her eyes widening in surprise. I rush forward to stifle her words, but a gasp slips free seconds before my hand covers her mouth.

Her face contorts with confusion, her hot breath warming my palm.

Leaning in close, I grip the back of her head, my lips hovering at her ear. “I’m going to need you to be quiet,” I whisper, gently running my fingers through her hair, holding my breath when it makes her shiver.