Page 69 of The Vow

“Fuck.” He felt wetness in his eyes now. He felt his chest hurting. She blinked up and smiled, wiping his face, too. She giggled at the sight, Carmelo felt his mouth going, too, he couldn’t control it. Seeing her like this, feeling what they had just done. He half cried half laughed and her forehead found his and they breathed and laughed and cried together.


“Colt, it’s me…” Carmelo sat in the back of the limo with the phone pressed to his ear like his life depended on it, heart pounding, palms sweaty. He’d told Lena to meet him in the back of the limo with a wink and a butt smack, and she’d tottered about packing an overnight bag, flushed and glassy eyed.

Colt had answered after a few rings. “Carmelo, buddy, what can I do for you?”

Carmelo suddenly felt breathless. “…I’m on my way to Vegas.”

“…Okay?” Colt said slowly.

“With Lena…”

“…Right…” he heard the sound of dread creep over in Colt’s slow response.

“…We’re heading to a little chapel… we’re getting hitched.”

“Well… fuck me.”

“Could you come and be a witness?”

“I thought you said-”

“I know.”

“You swore, youvowed,you’d never marry her-”


“Also, you know a wedding is already fucking booked and paid for, right?”

“Yes,” Carmelo hissed, getting frustrated now. “We’re doing it our way, the only way we can stop their wedding from taking place is if we are married already-”

“Fucking hell.”

“So, will you come? My dad isn’t talking to me and my brother won’t-”

“Yes, buddy, I’ll come. I’ll get some of the guys to come out, too. Hell, April and the girls probably won’t want to miss out… fuck it, we’ll all come.”

Carmelo felt warmth and relief surge into him. “I… this means a lot to me…” Carmelo wanted to say more, he wanted to explain, he wanted to say so many things, but they were all stuck in his throat. Stuck in his heart. He couldn’t feel his way forwards, he was suddenly lost. “I… um, Colt… I…” Fuck. He felt a hot flush come over him. Lena would be getting into the limo at any minute and here he was, blinking tears out of his eyes. How did he even begin to say what he wanted to say to Colt? He didn’t know, he couldn’t, not here, over the phone like this. Maybe face to face, in Vegas. Yes, Carmelo cleared his throat, that was a much better plan, once they got to Vegas. He shook himself and swiped at his face. “Yeah, thanks,” he managed to finally grunt.

“Brother, I got you,” Colt simply said, “Meet you in Vegas,” before he hung up.

And a few hours later, Carmelo found himself tripping down the aisle, giddy as a school boy on his first day of school, holding hands with Lena, in a little chapel in Vegas. There were fake flowers and trees lining the walls, pink neon lettering, marble and LED lighting. It was fucking gaudy as hell and was so mind-blowingly ridiculous. It was perfect.

Lena and he had asked the limo driver to drop them off at the address Rita had messaged over to them. Colt had put Rita on the job of a last minute wedding planning, and she booked the chapel, she got the license sorted, they were set. So Lena and he had stood on the sidewalk and the MC had balled up in a combination of their big, bulletproof black van and their bikes. It was a buzz, greeting them all, smiles and laughs from everyone, hugs all round, everyone talking over each other. This was family. He felt proud of that little tattoo perched above his butt cheeks. He was one of them. They were his. This felt so fucking right it was almost too good to be true.

The MC women, all dolled up, seized Lena and swiftly topped up her lipstick, fussed over her hair, and generally squealed and giggled and whooped. Lena looked happy, Carmelo beamed with pride.

“After this, drinks in a bar?” Sophie winked. “We got to do her bachelorette party, and yours, too, after all! We’ll just roll it into one!”

The others whooped their approval and Carmelo smiled.

“Couldn’t be happier for you, brother,” Colt said, smiling a carefree, light smile that Carmelo rarely saw.

“I’m going to be honest, when I got out of my police cruiser that day years ago to make my first visit to your clubhouse and meet you… I didn’t think I’d be here, a few years later, calling you as my witness and marrying a mafia syndicate leader’s daughter…”

Colt laughed. “That’s MC life for you brother… just scream if you want to go faster.”