“-Right yeah, so with a van full of ghost guns for Princess over here,” Nix flicked his head towards Lena, “A great idea would be to draw attention to myself by fucking speeding on the freeway-”
Ash smiled smugly, seeming pleased he’d irked Nix.
“Nixy-boy,” Ash said in a much gentler, quieter voice. “You’re not normally the slow, considerate one, you’re normally the faster one to get where you want to be-”
Nix moved then. He reached out a hand, quickly, and grabbed a handful of Ash’s floppy hair, and half dragged Ash over his lap to bring Ash closer.
“Bite me,” Nix snarled into Ash’s face.
“With pleasure,” Ash purred back. He leaned in to kiss Nix.
Lena hadn’t expected that, she had to admit.
And it was another rough kiss, Nix leading, one hand still in Ash’s hair, the other coming to hold Ash’s throat, and Nix used Ash’s mouth like he needed it to breathe.
But Ash bunted Nix back. “Nixy-boy, I’ve got a better idea.” Ash nodded in the direction of Penny and Lyle.
Nix frowned, but followed Ash’s gaze, and his face changed. From a fierce passion to a mischievous smirk. “Yeah,” he replied, simply. He let go of Ash and stood, hauling Ash to his feet with one hand.
They both sauntered over to Penny and Lyle, who were still smooching away.
Nix sank to his knees at Penny’s feet, and put his hands on her belly. Lena tilted her head. She hadn’t noticed before, but a little round mound popped from Penny’s hips. She was pregnant. Those twins weren’t old but-
Nix kissed Penny’s belly. And Lyle did nothing. In fact, Lyle ruffled Nix’s hair affectionately. After that, Nix kissed lower. Penny was wearing that crisp white shirt and leggings and Nix clearly licked hard enough for it to be felt through the leggings, because she sighed and shivered slightly.
Lyle pulled away but to Lena’s surprise, he smiled, looking down at Nix nuzzling into Penny’s pussy.
Lyle then looked up at Ash and greeted him with a casual chin flick. “Ash-baby.”
Ash smirked back. “Papa bear.”
Lyle growled a throaty, yet undeniably pleasurable growl, then grabbed Ash’s hair. How that boy had any hair left on his head was a miracle, Lena thought.
Lyle pushed Ash down with one hand so he was next to Nix, on his knees on the floor. Ash immediately nuzzled into Penny’s pussy, too.
Penny let out a gasp and flinched a little. Ash had used his teeth.
“Gently, boys,” Lyle growled, then leaned back a little to watch Nix and Ash on their knees at Penny’s feet. Penny kept a hand on Lyle’s though, pulling him back, needing the support. Her eyelids fluttered closed and she let out a satisfied sound.
Lena felt the heat all over her body, she almost gasped out loud like Penny.
Nix didn’t take his face away from between Penny’s thighs, but kept his hands on her belly, and in fact started undoing the buttons on Penny’s shirt to expose a few inches of smooth, round, pregnant belly.
Penny melted and Lyle braced her, watching hungrily. “That’s it, my woman, knocked up by me, having my baby, getting licked out-”
Ash bunted Nix’s forehead, and Nix pulled away for a second, smiled and took one hand off Penny’s belly, grabbing Ash’s head and pulling his face in closer so it seemed he was kissing Ash’s lips and Penny’s… other lips at the same time.
Lyle put a hand on Nix’s head, the same way you’d pet a dog who was obeying the ‘heel’ command. “That’s it, Nixy-boy, get her nice and wet so I can slip in and fill her up-”
Penny shivered with pleasure. Lena couldn’t imagine having three men surrounding her. Three lovers, three versions of Carmelo, all there to give her pleasure… actually she could imagine it after all. Her mouth went dry and she gripped the sofa seat with white knuckles.
Ash took the kiss then bunted Nix’s forehead back so that he refocused on Penny again.
“You think Penny’s ready for us, Nixy-boy?”
Nix moaned into Penny’s thighs. “Fuck me, I’m more than ready-” His hands were back on her bump. “I wanna fill her, too, Papa Bear, I’m going to top her up so that she’s so full of cum she looks fucking full term-”