But she paused and turned back again. One little look at it wouldn’t hurt, would it? She didn’t get to see it properly earlier and she should probably at least see what it was all about. Maybe it had instructions or she’d be able to work it out, maybe it was worth a little try before she left for the evening, just to see how it felt… her feet carried her back into the room on their own accord and the door whooshed shut again.
Carmelo sat at the table in a new, freshly pressed white dress shirt with silver cuff links twinkling at his wrists. And a brand new barbell twinkled in his dick.
Lena glided in, late, of course, they were all seated. Even her diva of a little sister had arrived for the aperitif. Lena’s chair, half way down the banquet table where everyone was seated, remained empty. Carmelo almost began to wonder if she’d done a runner, if she wasn’t coming after all. But no, she made a royal entrance, everyone stopping to stare at her, wearing a classic little black dress, understated black stilettos and diamonds dripping from her earlobes. Hair was down and glossy and Carmelo just wanted to grab it with both hands and use it like reins to fuck her on her knees. Her eyes scanned the room, and made eye contact with him for a second. He cleared his throat, and threw her a small chin lift. He could have sworn she almost smiled in return.
He didn’t know if she had worn his gift like he’d requested or not. There was one way to find out. He waited until she had sat down, the waiter fussing with pulling out her chair and laying her napkin on her lap. He flipped his phone out of his pocket, scrolled to the app, and remotely turned on the vibrator.
Lena suddenly sat bolt upright. She let out a little gasp, what could have been mistaken for a hiccup or something. Her eyes were wide and then her eyelids fluttered. Fuck yeah, Carmelo smiled. He could turn it up or down, increase the speed and intensity using the app, he just had to swipe his finger up and-
“Oh!” Lena let out a little shriek. People turned to look at her. Carmelo bit his tongue, getting hard. “I mean, wow… this er… bread is so good!” Lena exclaimed and took a large mouthful out of the little rolls that were perched on everyone’s side plates. Her mother frowned at her. Her sister looked at her like she had grown two heads. Lena flashed a glare in his direction. It wasn’t an angry glare. It was a glare that said ‘dare you, take me to the edge, tonight, push me’. Carmelo nodded discreetly, he was only too happy to oblige.
But then his phone was snatched out of his hands. “What the fuck are you doing?” Colt snapped. “Now isn’t the time for playing Tetris!”
Carmelo immediately snatched it back. “Tetris, fucking showing your age there Colt. I’m not playing a game, I’m… look, I didn’t get Lena a fucking heart-rate tracker earlier-”
“Good ‘cause that sounded like it sucked balls-”
“I got her a vibrator, like a clitoral stimulator that sits in her panties… and I’ve got an app that controls it-”
Colt frowned. “Where, let me see.” Colt’s large finger immediately swiped up quickly, the line of the screen dancing and turning red.
Carmelo immediately snatched it back, feeling possessive, protective. “Don’t fuck with my woman.”
Another little shriek sounded from down the table. Both men looked up and Lena had the glass of wine to her lips, pretending to drink from it, to stop herself from screaming.
“Lena, do stop drinking so much, you are being very over the top tonight,” her mother chided her, before taking a big gulp on her own champagne.
Lena was pink cheeked, eyes glassy, sat slightly jauntily on her chair, out of breath.
“This wine is just soooooo…” She put the glass to her lips again.
“Yourwoman?” Colt jibed under his breath, elbowing Carmelo sharply in the ribs.
Carmelo immediately swiped down, lowering the intensity to a steadier little buzz.
Lena purred. “It’s just so good.”
A waiter leaned over and topped up her glass. “That’s the Spanish Gavi, Ma’am-”
“Well fuck me,” Colt said, eying Lena and Carmelo’s phone again. “Prospect!” he barked over his shoulder.
The Latino guy who had got Carmelo’s shirt, appeared at his elbow. “Get this clit dildo thing that Carmelo will send you a link to, now.”
“I… er… now?” The prospect looked slightly confused.
“Colt, it wasn’t a local shop, I ordered it online-” Carmelo stepped in.
“Go fucking drive to the warehouse for all I care, bring me that toy. I wanna play with my wife.”
“Yes, Prez.” The Prospect backed away, no further questions.
Carmelo tapped away on his phone, sending the link of the product to the poor Prospect.
“Why is it,” Colt began, almost philosophically staring at the ceiling in the private dining room, “every time I’m hard this weekend, you are somehow involved, pig?”
Carmelo put his phone down for a second and gazed off into the near distance, too. “Believe me, I’m as surprised as you are,” he said.