Carmelo pursed his lips and wanted to rage back, but really, he was angry with himself at this stage, too. They’d texted that evening Carmelo had come back from his tattoo appointment. Into the night. Lena had said she wasn’t coming to the menu tasting, she had said, no offense but don’t expect to see me there. Carmelo had replied boldly, too, things like: “Don’t worry princess, I won’t be there, either.” They’d joked about the dumbfounded looks on the waiters faces when they had to serve a sixteen course menu to an empty private dining room. And then they’d sent other dirty, flirty messages, photos, too. They hadn’t texted again since. But Carmelo had thought about her every night, he’d touched himself thinking of what they had done, what more he wanted to do. It was ridiculous, he knew it. But he’d never felt more alive. The six months of abstinence had been worth it for the highs he was getting from it now.
Lena huffed suddenly, a scowl on her face and arms folded tightly across her chest. “This is pointless, tasting food for an occasion that isn’t going to happen, so I don’t know why we are all bothering…” She seemed to have been forced to come in much the same way Carmelo had. Begrudgingly, unwillingly, resentfully. Still didn’t make it any better, did it?
Despite Carmelo’s bold words, Colt had turned up earlier, mid afternoon to his apartment with half the MC in tow. They’d barged in, helped themselves to most of the food in Carmelo’s kitchen, packed his overnight bag for him, taken Cal for a “sleepover” at the clubhouse, and hassled Carmelo into a van. Colt had driven him there himself. With April in the back asleep, their young baby and toddler back at the MC clubhouse
“Only the best will do for the Zakarian’s, we must nail down the menu, the wedding is approaching-” Camilla replied with an air of superiority.
“There will be a wedding over my dead body!” Carmelo shouted suddenly, fed up with their attitude, fed up with their snobbery already.
“If that’s what it takes…” Kavan drawled quietly with a sneer.
“Alright children, enough!” Colt raised his voice. Everyone froze and stared at him. “Look, for better or for worse, we are all here, and we’re all willing to give this a go, and we all just want a calm, peaceful evening of eating good food and making new friends, okay? We are allies here, we are doing this to strengthen bonds, deepen cooperation…” Colt ran a hand through his hair in exasperation. “I want a fucking peaceful night with my wife in a hotel, good food, good wine, good sex-”
Camilla let in a sharp intake of air. It was April’s turn to give Camilla a superior snort this time.
“-so can we all just simmer down and play nice, now is not the time or place, let’s make the most of being here and if we need to come back to the table with Mayor Harris to renegotiate-”
“There is nothing to renegotiate, we are all here under goodwill, aren’t we?” Jovan turned to his wife and gave her a deathly look. He flashed it to the rest of his entourage, as well. It was the look of a man who would punish disobedience with something horrific and permanent, a look to instill fear and respect. The look of a man who didn’t mess about with empty threats.
Colt didn’t need to flash Carmelo a look for him to feel shame at how he’d reacted. Carmelo hung his head. It wasn’t Colt’s fault, he knew it, he should stop being a brat about it.
He cleared his throat, trying to clear the sticky rage that felt like it was building up there. “We brought gifts,” he said thickly.
He’d been told in no uncertain terms to bring gifts. The Mayor had instructed them. She’d offered to come to this evening’s frivolities but Colt had wisely said there was no need, they could handle it themselves. Carmelo was glad, the last thing Carmelo wanted was to have the Mayor here, as well.
April took over. “Let’s sit down, shall we? Such a beautiful lobby area, isn’t it?” She smiled warmly. Carmelo knew it wasn’t her real smile, the warmth didn’t extend into her ice blue eyes, but she was trying and the Zakarian’s seemed appeased. The atmosphere between them all seemed less chilly and tense the more April talked.
“Boys, can you get us all checked in and sort out the luggage, please?” She threw over her shoulder to two Latino prospects who stood behind them all. They immediately nodded and loped over to the reception desk, other members headed back out to the van. Camilla copied, waving to Kavan to do the same. Kavan practically bowed and in turn flapped at Ardian, and the two of them slunk off to make the arrangements.
One of the prospects came up to Carmelo and produced a series of boxes.
“Er… this one’s for you, Jovan…” Carmelo wasn’t sure what to say, or do. Jovan took the box, eyeing it wearily and passed it over to one of his bodyguards, keeping his eyes fixed on Carmelo.
The bodyguard snapped the box open, turned it around and presented a handsome looking case of Cuban cigars.
Jovan smiled briefly. Carmelo felt he had passed some sort of test. Just by the skin of his teeth.
“These are for you, Camilla.” Carmelo took the huge bunch of expensive looking flowers from another large box, and passed them to Camilla.
Again, one of the bodyguards took them but Camilla waved the man to her, she examined the roses and took a breath in and tilted her head with appreciation.
He took a breath.
“We have gifts for you, too.” Jovan waved and a large wooden crate was wheeled in, and cracked open. “Armenian Cognac, the best in the world, and this is a vintage year, as well.”
Colt graciously feigned interest and thanked Jovan. Colt didn’t drink, so he’d probably never taste any of the Cognac, but it was the thought that counted, right? April received a giant bunch of flowers, too.
“I had thought Carmelo’s mother would be here-” Camilla sniffed.
“I’m gratefully receiving these on her behalf, how beautiful, thank you so much,” April simpered, ignoring Camilla’s dig.
Carmelo had got Lena’s gift himself. The other’s had all been the Mayor’s recommendations, cigars, flowers. He’d said he’d buy Lena a gift himself. He had planned on posting it if they didn’t see each other again face to face, but he had planned on seeing her again… which he realized was strange as he’d kind of said he hadn’t wanted to see her again… but fuck it, here they all were, exchanging flowers and pleasantries in the lobby. Here he was with a gift he’d bought her. He handed her the small box with the ribbon around it directly. Lena flashed a glance at him but otherwise hadn’t made eye contact with him the whole time so far. Now, she took the box, biting her lip and eying Carmelo with a wary, uncertain gaze.
The hotel manager himself suddenly popped up at their seat. “The rooms are ready for you, we can assist with taking your luggage…”
April smiled politely and thanked the man, Camilla acknowledged him with a wave of her wrist and no eye contact. Carmelo gritted his teeth. He’d need dental work after the night was through.
“Well, what are you waiting for, Lena, open it now!” her mother suddenly blurted out.