Page 26 of The Vow

Carmelo sighed. “Amen, brother.”

“She’s the future, she’s going to turn things around, you want to fight for peace and justice? Do it through the Zakarian Syndicate with a pretty, smart, savvy girl by your side instead of in that douchey blue uniform.”

Carmelo grunted, unconvinced but no longer angry.

“So, what has the family got planned as the next steps for your betrothal?”

Carmelo sipped his drink glumly. The fight had left him. “Tasting in two weeks at that hotel. Not just stuffing some food, either, a proper sit down meal with all the big players, they’ve got family coming in, black tie, sixteen course taster menu…”

“Space for the MC?” Colt smirked.

“Yeah, they’ve got like half the guest list reserved for my family but I’m not bringing anyone-”

“Bring us. Would be a good opportunity to talk more to Jovan and his cronies, hell, I’ll bring April, make a weekend of it, if that’s okay?”

“Sure, be my guest.” Carmelo shrugged before continuing morosely, “They’ve got Lena’s dress fitting all booked, and the rehearsal dinner, that fucking witch of a mother has planned it all and booked it all…”

“Who’s paying for all this?” Colt asked bluntly.

“No idea,” Carmelo moaned. “I can’t afford any of this! No one has mentioned money…”

Colt nodded once. “Okay, any talk of money, you refer them to me, okay? Or Rita, Club Treasurer-”

“Colt, it’s not going to happen, that’s generous of you and the MC, but the wedding isn’t going ahead anyway, so-”

“You can’t cause any trouble with these guys, Carmelo… she’s cute. It could be worse. See it as a hook up. You show up in a suit, you say a few words, you hold her hand and smile for some photos. You might get your leg over if you’re lucky. Then, she fucks off back to college, you get some sort of annulment a few weeks later… job’s done. She seems… fun… have a good night or two then go your separate ways-”

“Colt, buddy, no offense but that’s not exactly how I saw the most important commitment of my life going down-”

Colt raised his eyebrows and snorted. “Alright, Mr. Prince Charming, you’re wanting to find your Disney Princess, fall in love and live happily ever after in a magical forest surrounded by fucking chipmunks who do your household chores, huh? Well I never would have put you down for an old romantic-”

Carmelo frowned and huffed. “It’s not about wanting the dream, you know, the perfect little housewife and the house and the car and all that shit, it’s just… I wanted someone I really clicked with. Like you and April.” He flashed a glance to Colt. “Sophie and Phantom. Nix and Ash, and Penny, and fucking hell, Lyle… I just wanted-”

“You still waiting for your cock piercing to heal up? How many months has it been? Weren’t you dating that Italian chick?”

Carmelo sighed. “Yeah, I was, I’m not anymore. And yeah, cock is fully back in business.”

Colt smirked. “You got yourself some yet then? Was it worth it? Was it everything Nix keeps blabbing on about and more?”

Carmelo rolled his eyes. “Come on, a gentleman never tells.”

Colt burst out laughing. “I don’t see any gentlemen here.” He smiled and elbowed Carmelo in the ribs.

But Carmelo wasn’t in the mood. He didn’t want to play along. Colt immediately picked up on Carmelo’s feelings. “Hey brother, sorry man, I thought you’d tell all, you’ve never shied away in the past.”

Carmelo sighed, knowing he was being a prickly dick. “I know, I know, sorry man, I’m just… this has caught me out, you know? Got me thinking…”

Colt put an arm around his shoulders instead, bringing his head close. “I can see it brother, I’m sorry, I wouldn’t have agreed to this if I’d have known, you know that-”

“I know,” Carmelo said quietly into Colt’s arm.

“You’re in a bit of a rut, I can see it, and this hasn’t helped, I get it.”

Carmelo let Colt take the weight of him for a moment. Then he pulled away, and shook himself. “Sorry, dude, I’m just, I’ll get my head on straight, but I’m not marrying her.”

Colt sighed and watched Carmelo closely. “That’s what she said, and I’m pretty sure you two are both pretty well matched in the stubbornness department, so we’ll see what happens. Fuck if I know, this whole wedding thing was a total curve ball. I just wanted to move drugs and guns for those fucking slippery Armenian’s, I didn’t realize we’d be breaking bread and exchanging fucking Christmas cards-”

“I know, I know… it’s okay. I’ll sort myself out, I’ll get my head back in the game-”