Page 24 of The Vow

His phone lit up. One new photo received.

Oh no she hadn’t. Had she?

He clicked with one shaking hand.

Fuck him sideways. She had.

A photo of her body, no face, a selfie, she was sitting on her bed, a slither of bare thigh front and center, wearing a pale pink silk camisole with the most sensual shadows and light over her. Cleavage and nipples like bullets pulling the material tight over her boobs.

Carmelo bit his lip and stifled a groan.

“Want them in my mouth.” He typed back.

“I want you in my mouth.” She responded instantly.

His phone lit up, another message. He opened it, but it wasn’t from Milena.

It was from Colt.

“Clubhouse, ASAP.” Was all it said, jarringly.

Carmelo let a big sigh out, then pulled himself up off the sofa. He messaged Lena back quickly.

“Have fun with yourself Princess, I gotta take care of something right now.”

She sent back a pouty sad emoji face. “Can we chat later?”

He smiled to himself. “Sure can if you’re still awake.”

“I’ll be waiting for you.” She sent another photo to accompany her message. More bare thigh, more boobs straining against pink silk. He bit his fist as he drank in every pixel on the phone screen in front of him.

This was escalating quickly. And Carmelo was only too happy to ride this runaway elevator right to the penthouse. Despite knowing he totally shouldn’t be going there.


“Whiskey please, ice.” He ordered from the MC clubhouse bar.

Nix was on the bar that night. It was a quiet Tuesday evening, not much going on. Some of the guys were out on a run, none of the ladies were about. Carmelo hadn’t been here for the whole six months he couldn’t have sex, he’d gone cold turkey on them all, seeing Colt occasionally out and about or in Colt and April’s apartment on the grounds of the former hotel that now was the MC clubhouse.

Nix, the tattooed, pierced ex-con biker served him up a whiskey with a quiet, gentle “Here you go, piggy.”

Carmelo took his drink and went to sit at one of the tables in the bar, to quietly contemplate what the hell he was going to do with his life. The drive over had sobered up his burning lust slightly. He couldn’t marry her. How could he ever pursue his police career as he’d intended to with her name linked to his? Even if they annulled a few weeks later, surely that will still be on his records, still a black mark against his name? And now he’d screwed around with her, too… well, fuck him, it confused things in his mind. He didn’t want to marry her and yet… he wanted to fuck her. He wanted to play with her, he wanted to text her dirty things, fuck, she was wanting to text him more later that evening. He wanted to make her come and hear her scream and feel her nails scratching down his forearms as he pounded into her sweet, warm little pussy-

“Good, you came early.” Colt swung himself onto the bench next to Carmelo, patting him on the back in greeting and pulling Carmelo’s thoughts out of the gutter.

“Yeah, well, you said it was important…”

“It is, I got Dane coming round, he’ll be here in a bit.”


“Yeah, for your tattoo.”

Carmelo let his head fall into his hands. “Fuck’s sake, I’m not getting a tattoo.”

“Yeah, you are buddy, you’re a member of the MC now, remember? I’m not risking anyone seeing that you don’t have a tattoo and finding out you aren’t actually a member-”

“Well, I’m not though-”