Page 73 of The Vow

“Er right, yes, thanks Kavan, for everything you’ve done for my family-”

“-and you are, Lena, blossoming. Really blossoming. Ripe and ready in so many ways. So many ways you are innocent, too, so many things you are yet to experience, that your father just can’t prepare you for.”

Lena didn’t like where this was heading.

A sex talk with Kavan. That he felt he had to tell her all about the birds and the bees was… laughable, ridiculous, preposterous.

“No amount of reading can prepare you, Lena, such an innocent flower, for the horrors of the marital bed. Do you know what I’m talking about?”

Lena looked down at the floor, her cheeks flaming. Oh God this was so cringy. She wished the ground would swallow her up, she wished she had Arpina here, too, and they would both be in fits of giggles. Lena focused on telling her younger sister later, and how funny this would all seem afterwards. Please let this be funny afterwards, Lena sent up a silent prayer.

“Lena, I wasn’t happy with your father’s plans for this marriage, you know that, don’t you? You had an ally in me.”

Lena could manage a strangled sounding gurgle in her throat, remembering that chat in the helicopter on the way back from the hotel, the first time she’d met Carmelo.

“The MC would have been one thing, an entirely impractical solution but this American cop-” Kavan practically spat the word. “Well, it’s an insult that he is even allowed in the same room as you, let alone this ridiculous idea to actuallymarryhim.”

“Hmm,” Lena said quietly.

“I said it should be an Armenian family all along,” Kavan continued, oblivious to Lena.

She frowned. “Oh yes, you weren’t opposed to the whole arranged marriage against my wishes thing, you just didn’t like Carmelo?” Lena cut across with a frown.

“Why yes, of course, Lena. A woman should marry, that’s a key part of what she does in life, after all.”

“Right, well-” Lena tried to argue back.

“It should have been a loyal Armenian family, an old Armenian family, with heritage and good breeding, Lena. It should have been me.”

“I-what?” Lena spluttered.

“Yes, it would have worked so well my darling, wouldn’t it? You know I’ve admired you for years, as I said, watched you grow into your womanly curves, watched you grow the fire of passion in your body…”

Lena stood up now. “Kavan, I really think you should go-”

But his hand shot out onto her shoulder and pulled her back down onto the bed. She was so shocked, she didn’t resist. She had known him all her life, and he had been annoying but never like this before. She had no idea this was how he felt. She felt blind-sided, totally caught off guard.

“Lena, darling, it’s okay, I know you must be scared, for tomorrow, the wedding, but also the wedding night itself. I thought I’d come and help you, prepare you for what you will face at the hands of that pig-”

“I really don’t need or want you to-”

“It’s okay, Lena darling, I knew you were scared to ask, so I thought it would be better this way-”

“No, Kavan-” Lena said, more desperately this time.

But his other hand went onto her knee. Higher, her thigh. She tried to push him off.

His hand gripped harder. So hard it hurt.

“Kavan, please,” she said, a prickle of hot tears stabbing at her eyes, threatening to betray her. She wanted to seem tough and firm and sure, she could just pull all her might and wrath, her “mafia princess daughter” self assuredness around her and banish him from the room. But he was looking at her now, not like that mafia daughter princess he had served faithfully. But a piece of meat. A thing he was going to play with. And she didn’t think she was going to like his game.


“That’s it Lena, That’s it Lena, men like hearing ‘please’.”

“No, I-”

“Some men like a bit of a struggle, too, you playing hard to get just like you are now-”