Page 41 of The Vow

He bumped into her, his erection pressed boldly into her stomach. “I should say goodnight and walk away,” he said, his voice in her ear now, whispering through her hair.

“Fuck walking away. I’ve got the champagne on ice, I need to come, Carmelo, and the state I’m in, only you can do this,” she said, looking straight back at him.

He groaned, clearly torn.

“Fuck me,” she instructed again, aware he’d turned her down earlier, but prepared to risk it again in this state of mad lust. “Please, please,” she whispered.

He rested his forehead on hers. “You need to come bad, don’t you?”

She raked her nails down his shirt. “Yes, you haven’t returned the favor yet-” she hissed.

“I know, not through not trying though, we’ve been interrupted both times-” He grabbed her wrist and beeped the keycard against the door, unlocking it. “In,” he said simply, spinning her round, and slapping her butt to propel her into her hotel room.

And that was how she found herself trembling in his arms, clinging to his neck like some sort of newborn chimpanzee, moments later.

They stumbled into her room, Carmelo patted her butt again.

“Bed, now,” he commanded.

She was glad he was taking the lead. Now that they were in the quiet of her hotel room, she felt suddenly nervous. Imagine if this was when he would take her virginity. When a man would finally take her, dominate her. Treat her like a woman. Like how she wanted to be treated, anyway. To be the woman she wanted to be. She bit her lip. She wanted Carmelo to do that. She wanted it to be him. Despite herself, despite everything, she did want him to be the man to fuck her first.

But he’d said not yet. He hadn’t said no, she noted, he’d said not yet, so she could wipe that from her mind for tonight at least. But they were going to be getting up to something for sure, he had plans, she could tell. And she was only too happy to go along with them.

She sat on the edge of the bed, raising her leg to take off her shoes.

“Leave them on. Kneel,” he said, snapping open his suit trousers and shucking them off in one movement.

She swallowed, yanking off her dress before he told her to keep that on, too. She was in just her underwear and heels, and she climbed onto the bed, doing as he said. She could feel her black stilettos on her butt as she sat back. This was what she had wanted; him to take control, to tell her what to do. To push her out of her comfort zone to places she couldn’t get herself. To own her. He was perfect.

He grabbed his phone before he stepped out of the trousers and came over to the bed in black boxers. He pulled open the buttons on his shirt, again, shucking that over his shoulders and down to the floor with swift, sure movements. His eyes were fixed on hers.

“Nice tattoo,” he said, nodding at her body. She looked down, she had the family’s emblem tattooed onto her, as all the men did. She, of course, had wanted the same. It was on her rib cage, below her side boob. A skull, covered in beautiful blooming roses, backed against the lion and the eagle, the national emblems of Armenia. It was done in a kind of water color style, and she loved how elegant it had turned out.

Lena shrugged, trying to stay casual. “My clan’s emblem, when I took my oath to swear to protect them, to serve them, I got the tattoo, same as the men-”

Carmelo smiled. “‘Course you did.”

“If we get married, you will have to get it, too-”

“We’re not getting-”

“I know.” Lena waved her hand impatiently. “I’m just saying… and don’t think I haven’t seen the little cheeky tattoo you have on your butt, Sergeant.” She felt brave and reached out to skim her hand over his pecs.

He was all man. 180 pounds or so of prime man-steak shivered under her nails. His skin was that glorious tanned, Mediterranean color. His body was contoured. He carried flesh on his body on top of the muscle, making him look sturdy, strong. Juicy. She salivated and felt a dizzy heat in her core.

Desire. Raw, untamed feminine desire. It was potent.

He snickered and shrugged, then held his phone up. “You’re going to take yourself there, Princess. I’m just going to sit here and watch.” He smirked.

“I…” She stuttered as he pulled the app up on his phone, turned the vibrator on to a gentle, base level of vibration in her already soaking wet panties and then thrust it into her hands.

It instantly felt good. She felt right back to where she was again in the dining room. Suddenly stretched tight like an elastic band.

“Oh, Carmelo, oh, that feels… good.” She heard her voice drop an octave.

“Princess, time for you to become a woman. You’ve got to do it yourself. And I’m going to enjoy the show,” he said.

She withered on the bed, melting in the heat of his gaze. “No one else has ever said no to me…” she whispered.