He felt his own orgasm shooting through him, intense and hot as his world spun. He blindly reached for something to come into, anything that meant his cum wasn’t shooting onto the hotel carpet. His hands closed around a white rag, he brought it to his cock and shot his load into it. Picturing Lena watching him and her wide-eyed stare as he shook and gasped and tensed through his climax.
Colt purred, oblivious to Carmelo for a second. “Kitten, look at you, filled up with my cum.” Colt scooped up the drip on her thigh and slid two fingers into her, pushing his cum in. “Yeah, I wanna get you knocked up again,” he growled.
April smiled and stroked his hair. “We were supposed to be using condoms Colt, we said we’d wait a year… we’ve got Chase and Zach is so young still-” April said.
Colt half smiled cockily. “I know, but fuck, I love the thought of you getting pregnant, all fat and horny-”
“Colt! I’m going to have a bath.”
“Fuck, this weekend we’re gonna fuck so many times you’ll go home pregnant. In fact, I fucking intend it.”
April rolled her eyes.
Carmelo felt like he’d witnessed an intimate moment, he felt privileged and yet like he’s intruded at the same time. He wished he could push his come into Lena like that after an epic fuck session. Why in the name of ever loving Christ did he suddenly want to do that? Fuck, he looked down, attempted to mop up his sticky mess some more with the white rag.
“Kitten, let’s get you covered up. Get into my t-shirt, where’s my t-shirt?’
April smiled smugly. “Carmelo came all over it.”
Colt whirled around and scowled at Carmelo like he was a naughty mongrel. Carmelo looked at the white rag that he’d scrunched up in his hand, and Colt looked like he wanted to skin him alive. Carmelo gulped.
April took the opportunity to grab a terry cloth robe for herself.
Colt yanked one of the bed sheets round his waist like a toga. “So, who the fuck were you fucking next door?” he growled.
Carmelo stammered, “I can’t say…”
April leaned over and picked up the landline phone on the bedside table. “Hello, reception, yes I’d like to order a gift for the occupant of the room next door…” April paused “room 254… yes… Your finest champagne… bottle… yes, charged to a Mr. Carmelo Rossetti’s room… “
Canelo stuttered, sure he couldn’t afford it, knowing the game was up.
“Mr. Rosetti’s room? 590. Yes, on his tab.” April put the phone on speaker so they could all hear. Carmelo swallowed loudly.
The reception’s polished voice filled the room. “Certainly madam, so that’s a bottle of Verve from a Mr. Carmelo Rossetti to a Miss Milena Zakarian-”
They all looked at each other. You could have heard a pin drop in that silence that stretched on and on.
April hung up.
“What?” Colt roared. “The girl you point blank refused to marry, the girl you said you wanted nothing to do with… you literally not an hour ago said there’d be a wedding over your dead body… you’re fuckingher?” Colt wasn’t a patient man at the best of times.
Canelo cleared his throat. “We’re not fucking exactly, well everything but… she’s a virgin, so…”
April and Colt’s eyebrows shot up.
Colt spoke immediately. “She explicitly said she wasn’t-”
“I know, that was just a front, she’s inexperienced as fuck-”
“So you are fucking around with thevirgindaughter of a mafia don who you have refused to marry?”
Carmelo’s mobile pinged from the floor where it had fallen from his jean’s pocket. He launched across the room to get it. April got it first. She flashed the phone in his face to unlock it, then shamelessly opened his new message.
A smile spread over her face. “From ‘Wifey’,” she read out loud.
Colt’s face was cold. Carmelo regretted that whimsical private joke of naming her that in his phone.
“Thanks so much for the champagne. Pretty sure you can’t afford it but I’m going to pop it open anyway.” April read this out loud. “Wishing I’d had the time to finish you off earlier.”