Page 29 of The Vow

All eyes snapped back to Lena. “Now? I-” Lena frowned.

“Yes, we open all our gifts together at any pre-nuptial events, it is tradition, in the spirit of sharing in open joy…” Jovan spoke up.

“Er… you don’t have to…” Carmelo spluttered when he saw her red manicured fingernails pop open the ribbon around the box.

He looked to her parents, to Colt, for validation. Colt merely shrugged. Carmelo tried to leap forward and take it back from her. “No, wait!”

Too late, she had taken the lid off. She stared for a second into the open box. Carmelo felt a surge of dizzy sickness. He most definitely hadn’t thought the gift would be opened in some grand ceremony with everyone sitting in a circle watching. Everyone blinked expectantly, peering into the small box in the palm of her hands.

“Well, what is it?” Camilla preened. “Your father got me a diamond bracelet for our-”

Carmelo’s heart sank.

“A heart monitoring fitness device,” Lena blurted out suddenly. A pretty flush to her cheeks, her eyes wide.

Carmelo let out a hiss of air.

“A… what?” Lena’s mother crunched up her face.

Lena licked her lips. “Because I like tennis, right? This is the state of the art new heart rate monitor… I’ve wanted this for ages, it’s so I can track my blood oxygen levels-”

Carmelo blinked. That was not what was in the box. He’d bought her a clitoral vibrator, one that sits in panties and has a remote control, as well as an app that he had installed already on his phone. He gulped. Fucking fantastic bluff from her. A small, black electronic thing… she was a smart little minx.

Her mother let out a bored groan and rolled her eyes.

Fucking rude, Carmelo thought.

Jovan grunted, placated temporarily. “That is actually a very relevant gift for our daughter.”

High praise indeed.

“Thanks,” Camelo wheezed breathlessly.

“And yours?” Jovan nodded to the neat little box that Lena had popped in his hand moments ago.

He flashed a glance at Lena before he yanked open the lid.

Her face said it all. She hadn’t realized they’d be opening these fucking gifts in front of the whole family, either. Her mouth was a perfect O of dread for what was about to happen.

He lifted the lid.

Something shiny winked back at him.

He cocked his eyebrow. It couldn’t be.

He tilted the box slightly.

Fuck him sideways. It was a barbell for his cock. A new, shiny silver studded barbell. The same gauge size as his current one, just a slightly different design. One that would take her to heaven if he got it anywhere near her G spot. Fuuuck. He immediately felt his cock kick in his pants.

“What is it?” Lena’s mother drawled, bored now.

“Cufflinks,” he said confidently, keeping his eyes fixed on Lena. She pursed her lips together a little. As if she was stifling a giggle. Oh she was trouble with a capital T alright, and Carmelo couldn’t wait to get into trouble with her.

Colt peered over his shoulder into the box. “I only see one.”

Carmelo tilted the box away from Colt and slipped the lid back on. “The other is under the velvet cushion bit, just rolled under… thank you, Lena,” he said, holding her gaze, daring her to break before he did.

“My pleasure Carmelo,” she said smoothly, not blinking back, either. She let a soft smile play around her lips and she raised her chin. “Wear… them tonight? At dinner?” She flicked her eyebrow up, laying down the gauntlet. “That would mean so much to me.”