Page 15 of The Vow

Mayor Harris dropped the local newspaper onto the table. A photo of Carmelo in his uniform beamed back up at them, with the literal headline: “Local police golden boy wins medal of commendation.”

Literally word for word condemned him to his fate. “Ah fuck,” Carmelo growled. There was no backing out of this now.

Jovan grunted again. “My daughter will need a firm but loving partner, to be her equal, to treat her with respect-”

“I’m not a fucking animal,” Carmelo defended himself. “I know how to treat a lady, I just… getting married was way down the line for me and I don’t know anything about her, I can’t say yes to someone I’ve never even fucking -”

Jovan carried on as if Carmelo hadn’t spoken. “She’s in her last year at college-”

“She’s too young, I’m aiming to be police chief by the time I’m fifty—how is that going to work if my wife is head of the biggest crime family on the West Coast?”

“She’s pretty-”

“I don’t care if she’s fucking Kim Kardashian herself, I’m not-”

“Daddy!” A loud shriek sounded from the hallway.

Everyone froze.

“Daddy! If you think I’m going to marry some bozo dirty old biker, you’ve got another thing coming!” Heels clicked in the hallway.

Carmelo jumped up, blood draining from his body. “She’s here?”

Colt swiftly followed but rounded on the Mayor. “Harris, this is a big fucking ask, springing this idea on us with her here in the flesh-”

“Daddy! I am not just being auctioned off for the sake of your fucking business!” Came the unmistakably angry voice from the hallway.

“I didn’t know she was coming-” the Mayor hissed back.

Jovan stood now, too, ignoring his daughter, addressing Colt. “I flew her in so you could meet her.”

Camilla stood and tutted, palm flying to her forehead. “Mon Dieu, her language!”

Carmelo rounded on Major Harris now, too. “Marriage is forever, right? It’s meant to be for fucking ever, and you want me to-”

Harris shook her head and muttered to him under her breath. “My hands are tied on this, Sergeant. This is the only way he’s willing to come to the table! You’ll be fine. If you don’t get along, you can move her away and keep fucking all the whores at the MC!” Harris spat.

Carmelo blanched.

“Oh yes, don’t think I don’t know about your previous little dabbles. You can kiss goodbye to any plans for Chief of Police if any of that saw the light of day.”

“You’re blackmailing me! I don’t fucking believe-”

“How the hell do you know what goes on inside the clubhouse?” Colt spat.

“Daddy!” The screech was just behind the door now.

Everyone stood shouting at each other, angry.

The door burst open.

A whoosh of air and light from the hallway swept into the room. Carmelo looked up, anger coursing through him, ready to hate, ready to dismiss, ready to rage and reject.

But the air left his lungs.

She whirled on her father. “Daddy I’m not marrying him! I’m not marrying anyone! I told you-”

Fuck, she did look like one of the Kardashians, all tanned skin, luscious thick, long dark hair, and curved like a homemade clay pot. Carmelo instantly wished he’d been the potter to sculpt those hips on his potter’s wheel. Carmelo had to remember to swallow.