He owed her, and he felt fiercely protective of her. This enthralling and in-peril woman was a link to his mum, his childhood, and a time before he’d destroyed his own bright future and short-changed his life.

Sergeant Mueller and Lieutenant Islandor stood back against the wall. Brad cradled Arianna against his side. They stood next to the large desk, waiting for the general and lieutenant general. It felt like they’d been waiting a long while.

He’d been in General August’s office at the military training center, but not in here. Their military leader was impressive, no-nonsense, larger-than-life, and intimidating. This office was more spacious and much fancier than the military center office. The entire castle was ornate and, if he was being honest, overwhelming after sleeping on a bamboo mat or the hard ground for eight years. Brad couldn’t help but admire the Spanish Toledo fencing epee and foil sword pair and the Fusil model 1866 bolt-action French rifle hanging on the wall.

The general strode in, his face grim, his blue eyes not giving much away. Lieutenant General Prescott was right behind him. Brad released Arianna to salute each man. Arianna bowed to the general. It was odd with the general, as Brad never knew if he should bow as the man was a prince, or salute as he was the highest-ranking military leader of their country.

General August strode around his large desk but didn’t sit, so no one else sat either.

Lieutenant General Prescott stopped next to the desk and looked Arianna over. “Arianna … Ae you all right?”

She bit her lip and shook her head. “I survived, so that’s good.”

Brad admired her pluck. She had fought using an ingenious weapon and saved her own life. Though she’d clung to him after the fact, she wasn’t falling apart like most people would.

The lieutenant general gave her a kind smile. “We’re all very grateful for that beautiful truth. Hope sends her love and prayers.”

“Thank you.” She blinked quickly.

Brad had seen in the media that Arianna was very involved with the royal family and their close friends like the lieutenant general and his accomplished wife. She probably felt miles more comfortable in this situation than he did. Every man here was his superior, yet he wanted to jut out his chest, claim he was the alpha male, the most well-trained warrior, that he knew the best method to keep her safe, and that Arianna was his to protect.

If only she could be his to love.

Crazy that an hour ago he’d been dancing with Lieutenant General Prescott’s sister-in-law Faith and been warned by the man that he’d be scrubbing toilets if he didn’t treat her right. Faith was now with Captain Levi Favor, a man who had every right to hate Brad, and hate him Levi did.

Brad didn’t feel much loss in Faith choosing Levi. They’d only had a few interactions. Currently, he was consumed with Arianna and thrown right back into the many times over the past eight years that he’d realized he’d left behind the perfect woman for him. And that she’d never take him back.

“Private Rivera.” General August nodded to him. “You may take your leave. I understand you are not on duty currently.”

“I won’t leave Arianna,” he protested too loudly and passionately.

“I want him here,” Arianna said in almost the same tone.

He focused on her, and all the high-ranking men around him disappeared. She wanted him here. Could it be possible? She didn’t hate him? He might have a chance to make things right with her?

Not when she didn’t know the whole truth. A truth he never wanted her to find out.

“All right.” The general didn’t seem upset by their declarations, but nothing seemed to upset the man. He knew about Brad’s experience and training in Africa and had intoned he was impressed. Of course the general had never admitted to being impressed out loud, or given Brad much more than an approving look when he hit dead center at target practice or won sparring match after sparring match. “Please sit.”

Everyone obeyed. Except the two guards who were on duty standing against the wall.

“Chad.” General Raymond nodded to the lieutenant general. “What do we know?”

“The Gifted Genius has disappeared. A farmer claims he saw a ‘winged man’.”

“In a flight suit?” The general clarified.

“That’s what I’m assuming. The farmer said the winged man swooped down and landed in the valley far below the castle. A silver Alfa Romeo four-door sedan picked him up. Chief Jensen is in a virtual meeting with contacts in Interpol and has his people searching throughout Augustine. Neighboring countries have been alerted, but without a license plate ...” He shrugged.

“It’s something, though. He’s not working alone.”

“It would appear not. We found devices on the garden cameras that looped the images from moments before Arianna entered the garden so the attack wouldn’t be seen by the guards monitoring the cameras.”

Arianna shuddered. Brad reached for her hand and thankfully she let him hold it. The general’s gaze flicked to their joined hands, then back to the lieutenant general.

“We also have Arianna’s blood-tipped shoes.” Prescott smiled at her. “Brilliant self-defense, by the way.”

“Thank you,” Arianna said.