As she stepped forward to intercept Levi, she got a hard shove to her upper back from behind. Stumbling, she slammed into Levi’s side.

He jolted and turned. Thankfully, his reaction was to wrap his strong arms around her rather than letting her fall in a heap to the hardwood floor.

“Faith?” he whispered, his dark eyes full of her. It was a husky, beautiful whisper, tinged with that fabulous Augustine accent that created more yearning inside to never leave this spot.

She wrapped her arms tightly around his firm lower back and blinked up at him. “Forgive me. I had a little devious shove from behind.” She smiled to show that no harm was done. Bless Kiera. Faith hadn’t known it was coming, but it had been timed perfectly and Faith couldn’t complain about the results.

Levi released her, deftly unwrapped her arms from around him, ushered her behind him, and said, “Stay here while I search for the perpetrator.”

“Levi!” she said in exasperation, forcing herself not to get distracted by his lyrical voice. Faith loved America, but this man with his Augustinian accent could easily convince her to trade nationalities. “It was Kiera. She was only trying—”

Levi whipped around to face her. His dark eyes pierced through her, sharp and probing. “Trying?”

Faith bit her lip. How to explain without sounding as desperate as she was to get his attention? Positives—Levi was right here, Kiera was on her side, and Christmas magical romance could still happen.

She looked over his tall, manly frame, the dark eyes framed by thick lashes and brows, the shadow of a beard on his jaw. He was enthralling. She’d never encountered his equal, and unfortunately, he looked at her as if concerned for her sanity—or maybe as if he thought of her as a child. She wasn’t certain, but either way, it could explain why he kept his distance.

Glancing down, she lost her courage and realized she needed a different scheme than a snowball fight to entice a soldier this manly and perfect. She could only imagine how many distinguished and proper Augustinian women pursued Captain Levi.

“Faith?” he questioned, and then he gently tilted her chin up with just the edge of his forefinger. It was a simple touch, nothing to faint about, but the warmth of his finger and the depth of his gaze made her head spin.

They studied each other. A long, beautiful moment where hearts connected, birds flew back north during the winter to sing for them alone, and heaven smiled down on their future union.

He cleared his throat, yanked his hand back, and clasped his hands behind his back. Even through his black uniform, she could see the muscles outlined in his chest, shoulders, and arms. She designed feminine workout gear, not male. Looking over Levi, she created in her mind the ideal pattern and fabric blend to showcase his irresistible frame and well-developed muscles.

“Come on, Captain Levi!” Kiera performed a front flip through the double doors of the ballroom and launched into their space in the hallway. The ‘Wild Child,’ as her brothers still called her, could rarely walk into or out of a room. “We want you to have a snowball fight with us.” Her blue eyes lit up, and Faith was grateful the princess was firmly on her side. Nobody could resist Kiera.

Levi bowed, military stiff, to the princess, then glanced from Kiera to Faith and back. “A snowball fight?” he repeated, as if he’d never heard of such a thing.

“Yes.” Kiera lifted her brows. “You make balls of snow and you hurl them at each other.”

“Ah, I see.” Levi’s lips tilted in a half smirk.

“Brilliant. Faith and I made a fort in the gardens yesterday. With all the trellises, benches, and fountains everywhere, there are lots of spots to hide. We’re each on our own team. It’ll be epic! Thoughyoumight have bruises. I have impeccable aim.” Kiera’s blue eyes twinkled.

For just a moment, Faith could see the raw longing in Levi’s dark eyes as he focused on her. He wanted to be with her; he wanted to do something carefree and fun. Then that familiar shutter fell over his emotions, and he gave an insincere smile. “It does sound epic, Princess Kiera, but apologies. I have a meeting at the military training center.”

“Ah, bosh!” Kiera wrinkled her nose. “You adults are only fun in the two hours after dinner. All day long it’s work, work, work. Except for Faith.” She beamed at her. “Faith is my best friend and always has time for me.”

“Ah, right back at you.” Faith grinned. Little did Kiera know, Faith worked until late in the night and any hour that Kiera was in school or otherwise occupied so she could be fun when Kiera was home.

She focused back on Levi, and the look in his eyes was interesting. He thought she was whimsical, cute, carefree, and definitely too young for him. Faith prayed she was reading that wrong, but she felt she knew him so well.

“I hope your snowball fight is epic.” He nodded to Faith and bowed to Kiera. “Pardon me.”

Even with the dismissal, Faith’s stomach swirled with warmth simply from him looking at her and using the power of his accented voice on her.

He turned to go. Kiera gave Faith a look of desperation that Faith felt to her soul. Positives—he hadn’t walked away yet. There was still a chance. Kiera was on her side and an expert at getting what she wanted.

“We’ll walk you to the garage,” Kiera declared.

He swallowed, obviously not wanting to agree, but bowed slightly. An obedient royal guard for certain. “Thank you, Princess Kiera.”

Bless Kiera.

Her young friend rushed to Levi’s right side and linked her arm through his. She was almost five feet tall, and he had to be at least six-three. The height discrepancy and the muscular soldier overshadowing the young teenager was adorable.

“You come on his other side,” Kiera instructed Faith. “Captain Levi willlo-oveescorting two beautiful ladies.”