He bowed to her, his men following suit.

“Princess Kiera,” Mason breathed out in a husky tone she thought meant he was finally, finally interested in her. “What have those Americansdoneto you?”

She didn’t know if she should be offended or pleased. “Made me even more fabulous than ever,” she shot back.

His gaze said he agreed.

“Excuse me?” Sarah huffed.

“No, pardon me,” Mason said smooth and charming as ever, gifting Sarah with his alluring grin. Sarah sighed beside her. “I meant no offense. I was simply baffled for a moment. Cold clocked as if General August himself had knocked me flat to the ground. Our Fearless Little Princess is all grown up.” His blue eyes swept over Kiera, warm and full of appreciation. She was hot and cold from head to toe.

“Maybe you can stop calling me ‘little’ if I’ve finally grown up,” she sassed him, tossing her long, dark hair over her shoulder.

“Where would be my enjoyment in that I ask you?” He gaze was smoky hot on her, but his voice was that lilting tease she’d missed. She loved the husky tone from earlier but his charming accent was just as appealing.

“I’ll show you enjoyment,” Kiera said to him, then her eyes widened and his did as well. Had that been too forward? Well, she only had three and a half days to show him they could still tease, but it was also now time to flirt and connect like she’d dreamt of for years.

“Skiing enjoyment?” He covered smoothly for her. “It will be delightful to exhibit my skiing prowess. The Fearless Little Princess will never be able to keep up with her brave bodyguard.” He winked.

The man behind him chuckled.

“We’ll see who won’t be able to keep with whom, my brave bodyguard.”

Sarah leaned into her side, obviously ready for a formal introduction. Kiera knew an opportunity when she saw one.

She wrapped her right hand around Mason’s left. He startled and she was temporarily thrown off as well. His hand was so large and manly and warm. A connection sprang between them. She squeezed his hand and edged closer.

“Mason … I meanCaptainMason Henson, this is my dearest friend from Vermont, Sarah Anderson.”

Mason dipped his head to Sarah, not moving his hand from Kiera’s grasp. “Miss Anderson. A pleasure to have you in Augustine.”

“The pleasure is mine,” Sarah said, her dark eyes lit up. “Please call me Sarah.”

Mason smiled but his gaze flitted to Kiera. He turned slightly to indicate his men. Kiera felt she should release her grip on him.


“Princess Kiera August, Miss Sarah Anderson. Allow me to introduce Sergeant Josiah Naples, Lieutenant Braxton Mueller, and Private Daniel Silva.”

Kiera of course knew Lieutenant Mueller, a massive, too-serious, but kind guard in his mid-thirties who’d guarded her half her life. She hadn’t met Sergeant Naples or Private Silva, both young and handsome. Maybe Sarah could distract them while Kiera focused on Mason. As per the idea she had Chad to thank for, she and Mason and Sarah and one of these guards were supposed to appear as ‘couples’ on a weekend getaway. Something about dissuading her stalker. She regularly had stalkers and didn’t get too fussed about a new one, but this couple idea was fabulous.

The guards all bowed to her and nodded to Sarah. Strong but silent types. Not Mason. He was strong but verbose and hilarious.

“Thank you for being willing to watch over us on our skiing adventure,” she said to the men.

“It is an honor, Princess Kiera,” Sergeant Naples said, his hazel eyes sweeping appreciatively over her. She’d seen that look thousands of times.

Mason flashed him a glance, possibly a warning glance. Was it her imagination or was he slightly annoyed?

“We’ll see if it remains an ‘honor’ when she skunks you on the mountain, Sergeant.” Mason’s voice was teasing.

The sergeant’s brows lifted. “Are you an accomplished skier, Princess Kiera?”

“Yes sir, I am.” She winked at Mason and his smile grew even warmer. “I’ve never met a man besides my brother Derek who could keep up.”

“Challenge accepted, Fearless Princess,” Mason said in a husky growl that shot anticipation clear through her. His blue gaze was full of a challenge and something else. Hehadfinally noticed her.

Then she recognized another positive development. He’d dropped the ‘little’ from her title.