He drew in a breath and straightened. “I promise you that I would never pursue Princess Kiera, and I will make certain things are not awkward between us.”

“You’re certain? No interest in Kiera?”

“Nonesir,” he emphasized. “Not like that. I think of her as a young friend, a surrogate little sister of sorts.”

General August studied him as if he thought he was lying. The man bragged him up, said the royal family trusted and respected him, and then acted like Mason was some foul … teenage girl chaser. That was just wrong. Sickening. Princess Kiera wasn’t officially a teenager any longer, but she was still eight years younger than him and he’d always keep her in the box of a young, fun girl.

“I also am dating someone,” he added, not certain if that would help the situation. It was a stretch. They weren’t ‘dating’ but he and Miriam had gone on two dates and a third was happening tonight.

“Oh, good for you.” The general’s shoulders relaxed but then his gaze sharpened. “Will your girlfriend be all right with you appearing to be a couple with Kiera? The media might find you and take pictures.”

“Um …” First of all Miriam wasn’t his girlfriend. Second of all, appearing to be a couple with Kiera? He’d said that earlier but there was too much information and it hadn’t fully sunk in. “Will anyone believe we’re a couple?”

“Because of your dating history as a player?” General August asked.

Because Princess Kiera wasn’t a mature woman, was what he’d meant but obviously couldn’t say to her brother and his general. He merely shrugged.

“I think it’ll be believable. Kiera is desired by men the world over. Most beautiful woman in the world and all that rubbish.” He rolled his eyes. “If any woman could make a player like you fall, it would be Kiera. If you think your girlfriend won’t be upset.”

“She isn’t really my girlfriend, just dating.”

“Oh, good. Perfect.”

Mason had never been so confused. Desired by the men world over? Most beautiful woman in the world? Had he missed a memo about the princess?

“Thank you. It eases my mind to know I can count on you, in all aspects of the assignment. It won’t be easy to pretend to be a couple and not lead her on or get too close, but Kiera understands you’re on assignment and honestly I disagree with my dad and Madeline on this one. She has had vast dating experience in America and there’s no way she’d have a crush on you any longer.”

Mason supposed that should all make him feel better. The pretend to be a couple and anything about getting close, in the way the general indicated, made him extremely uncomfortable. He didn’t want photos of him getting out as some college girl chaser, no matter how many boys thought she was beautiful. But it was an assignment, and he’d get through it with style and a smile, as he always did.

General August stood. Mason knew that was his cue to leave. He was happy to escape at this point. He stood and saluted. Turning to go, he thought of a very important question. “Sir. What dates are the detail?”

“Forgive me. I missed that minor detail. This afternoon through Saturday evening. The lieutenant general will fly you all over to Wengen. Meet at the castle helipad at fourteen hundred hours.” The general’s blue eyes filled with concern. “I apologize for the short notice. It is Kiera …” He drummed his clenched fist against his leg. “Did you have plans, Captain?”

Only furthering his chance of a future with Dr. Miriam Cruz. Only having the last laugh at his siblings.

“Nothing that can’t be rescheduled, sir.”

“Thank you.”

Mason bowed slightly and hurried out the door.

Miriam would understand. She’d cancelled on him Friday night when she’d been called in to an emergency surgery.

It was only three and a half days he’d be gone. He could still execute his plans for Christmas romance and be chortling in his siblings’ faces for the new year.

He hurried toward Major Levi Favor’s office. He’d share his assignment with his longtime friend and next above him in command, he’d leave out the part of ‘pretending to be a couple’ with the college-aged princess. Then he’d go home to pack.

Skiing Wengen, Grindelwald, the famed Jungfrau, possibly across the Lauterbrunnen valley and up to the Schilthorn—he loved tackling the eighty-eight percent incline of the Direttissima. He’d be working and he’d keep the ‘Wild Child’, the Fearless Little Princess Kiera safe, but they’d have fun. They were supposed to ‘appear as a couple’ but that didn’t mean he’d be doing any couple-type things with her. No way.

Mason always had fun and Princess Kiera was a cute, impetuous girl and a talented athlete. He’d be relaxed and comfortable around her, as he always had been. He’d nip any thought of a crush making things awkward between him and his longtime little friend.

It would be a great weekend. A fun break from his usual schedule.

And then he’d get back to pursuing Miriam.

Chapter Two

Princess Kiera August bounced on her heels as she waited next to her dear friend Sarah Anderson in the lower hallway of the castle. She’d said her goodbyes to her loving family, ignoring the stitch of guilt at the longing in her mum and dad’s eyes and having to pry her niece Avalyn and her nephew Jasper off her legs. That had hurt. It was only a few days.