“Brave Brad,” she murmured, though she could hardly catch a breath.

He smiled. “I’m trying to forgive myself and turn everything over to the Lord.”

She nodded. That was essential for his healing.

“I need to spell out what happened for you better, so you can understand how I truly feel about you.”

“Okay,” she squeaked out.

“When you kissed me the night of Mum’s funeral, the darkest day of my life, I was absolutely blown away. It was the most incredible kiss I had ever experienced and a connection with a woman I never thought I’d find. In that moment, I knew you were much more than a close friend. You were the perfect fit for me.”

Her heart raced out of control. “You did?”

He nodded. “But I was such a mess and so full of guilt. I should never have pursued or touched Annabelle, and she was dead because of me. My mum was dead. I loathed myself and didn’t know that I could ever be forgiven by heaven, Levi, or you. So I ran.”

“For eight years. That’s a long time to run.”

“Yeah. Time goes fast when you’re fighting for other people’s lives, innocence, and freedom.” He rubbed at his jaw.

“You’re a good man, Brad.”

“It’s no excuse, though. After a week went by and I was settled in my first village, it felt like too much time had passed, and frankly, I was embarrassed. After a month, I felt like I had even more reason to stay hidden. When the first year was gone, I just thought it would be insulting to you. I treated you horribly when you were always there for me and wanted to help and lift me through that hard time.”

Brad took both of her hands in his. “I’ve waited way too long to say this, but I’m sorry, Ari. I’m sorry for how I treated you. I’m sorry for leaving without an explanation. And I’m sorry I wasn’t brave enough to fix my mistakes for all those long years. I know Jesus has forgiven me, but can you please forgive me too?”

“I do. I forgive you.” Saying the words, she knew they were true. “We were young, and you had been through something horrific. Of course I can forgive you for mistakes you made eight years ago.”

“I love you.” His brown-sugar eyes lit her up from the inside out. He was genuine, full of love for her, and still her hero.

“I love you back.” She instinctively threw her arms around his neck and arched up on her heels.

“Oh, no.” Brad wrapped her up tight but held his head back so she couldn’t reach him. “It ismyturn to instigate the kiss.”

She laughed as joy rushed through her. That was exactly what she wanted to hear. “Don’t want to get slapped again?”

“No, ma’am. I want to kiss you on my terms and for a very long time.”

She grinned. “It’s a Christmas miracle.”

“You forgiving me? For certain. You are my Angel Ari. Thank you for forgiving me. For loving me.”

“Forgiving was rough, but loving you … I’ve never stopped.”

He swallowed and his eyes looked lighter, golden and mesmerizing. “I love you. Now it’s time for me to show you some Christmas magic.”

He bent down, captured her lips with his, and turned her world upside down. Christmas magic? For certain.

The love of her life finally coming home to her? Finally returning her love?

The best Christmas gift she could ever ask for.

* * *

I hope you loved Brad and Arianna’s story! Please read on for an unedited excerpt of Princess Kiera and Captain Mason Henson’s hilarious, intense, and romantic tale. I had to skip eight years in the future for this one so please forgive me if that causes any confusion.

Hugs and thanks for all the support,
