“Will do,” said Lucien.
Before Lucian turned away, I stopped him. "Hold on a minute."
I turned to Duncan as well, a pensive expression on my face. "This is going to sound weird, but have you guys ever heard of an omega living in poverty before?"
Duncan leaned forward, clasping his hands under his chin. "Nope, never heard that one before. Is this the start-up line to one of your jokes?"
"No," I sighed, "Unfortunately not."
Lucien looked directly at me and didn't beat around the bush. "What did you see, Kayden?"
"An unmated omega, living on the outskirts of town," I revealed. "She seemed to be on her own and clearly struggling."
"Why wouldn't she be living in a nest with the rest of the unmated omegas?" Duncan said, confused.
"Exactly, I was hoping to see her at the Were Gathering and get some answers," I replied. “Keep an eye out for her.”
Ah, fuck.
I stared up gloomily at the dank ceiling above me, laying on a hard ass mattress, contemplating my life. It's not like I had anything else to do, seeing as I was locked up in jail at the moment.
I peered at the alpha bodyguard standing in front of my cell.
"Hey, man. Your pack unmated, too?" I asked him. He didn’t reply, but I continued on anyway. "Shit, we're practically in the same boat. Why don't we let bygones be bygones and let me outta here? It's not like the beta guys can stop us."
He glared at me. "I don't work for no betas. I work for Roman. He says you gotta be locked up to keep the peace. Should have kept your dick in your pants."
I sighed and lay back down on the mattress. The pussy wasn't even worth all this trouble, now that I think about it. Especially beta pussy.
I heard a loud clatter of keys, jolting me out of my morose thoughts, and Lucien appeared at the door, unlocking it.
"Took you long enough," I muttered, getting up from the sorry excuse of a bed.
"Hey!" exclaimed the guard.
"He's free to go now. The betas received their compensation," said Lucien, cutting him off sharply. He turned to me and looked me up and down, noticing my ragged state. "Come on, get ready. We have a gathering to get to."
Chapter 3
IwasinJess'scar as she drove us to the Were Gathering. My other friend, Amber, was sitting in the back, chattering away about her new beta boyfriend.
"We know he's hot and everything," sighed Jess. "But does he havesubstance?"
"Don't be mean," I laughed, sitting in the passenger watching the forest trees as we drove deeper to the secret werewolf location, away from prying human eyes.
"He does have substance!" said Amber indignantly. I saw her rolling her large doe-eyes from the rear-view mirror. She had long chestnut brown hair. She was a beauty but always had poor taste in men. The men could be good-looking, but her heart was constantly broken by them.
"I hope he's nice, at least," I said, fiddling with my thumbs. I tried to act upbeat and happy around my friends, but the truth was- I didn't want to go to this Were Gathering.
My parents had always drilled into me to stay away from other werewolves besides Jess and Amber. I felt nervous, defying the rule I lived by for so long. But my parents were right. I was probably better off living with the humans instead of exposing myself like this.
But it wasn't like my friends were ready to accept that. I vowed to make this my first and last werewolf outing.
"Are you still thinking about yesterday?" asked Jess, glancing at me. "I know that look. You're thinking of something, aren't you?"