Page 11 of Alpha's Fated Flame

Killian and Duncan exchanged confused glances. I sighed. She was probably a spoiled rotten omega who didn't want to follow our lead.

"I got this," I said to them. She just needed someone to fear to keep her line. I guess it was up to me to play that role.

I quickly caught up to her and grabbed her elbow.

"And where do you think you're going, little omega?" I growled into her ear, inhaling her sweet scent. She turned to face me and hit me with the full force of her green-eyed gaze.

There wasn't a hint of fear in them.

"Thanks for getting me through that crowd, but I'm gonna head back home now," she said sweetly.

I raised my brow.Was she serious right now?

"Yeah, that's not happening. You're an omega. We won you fair and square, so now you belong with us until tomorrow to determine your fate," I drawled out, pulling her body closer to me.

She peeked up at me through thick, black lashes.

God, she was cute.

She scrunched up her nose and opened her mouth for a retort. I didn't give her the chance. I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder, and I placed one hand firmly over her ass to keep her in place.

I gave it a warning squeeze when she let out a shrill scream.

From the corner of my eye, I could see some curious stragglers from the crowd trying to approach us. We needed to get out of here. I slid into the leather seats in the back of the car and placed the sputtering omega on my lap, clasping her firmly.

Duncan was already in the driver's seat, with Killian beside him. They shot the omega curious glances, as stunned by her beauty as I was.

"Let me go," she shrieked. "You don't understand. I'm not an omega. I'm not who you think I am."

I rubbed her plush bottom over my hard cock. I knew she could feel the thickness of it through the layers of clothes between us.

"You feel that, little omega? You are exactly who we think you are. Here's your proof."

She fell into a mortified silence, her cheeks turning an adorable shade of pink. She nervously licked her lips and tried again in a calmer voice.

"Listen, there must have been some mistake. I'm just a college dropout and a gas station cashier. I'm not a part of your world for a reason."

"And what reason would that be?" I said distractedly, playing with her caramel-scented hair. I put my nose to it and inhaled deeply. I couldn't get enough of her scent.

She chewed her bottom lip and looked away, nervously clasping her hands together. "I can't tell you, but if you could just drop me off at this light, I can find my way home."

I stopped playing with her hair and put a finger under her chin, tilting her pretty face up towards me.

"The sooner you stop resisting, the sooner we can tell whether or not you're going into heat with us. Stop resisting, little omega, and relax."

Her body slumped against me in defeat. "I have a name, you know."

"Oh, yeah?" I replied, trying hard to focus on the conversation and not thinking about tearing off her clothes to get closer to that caramel scent.

"Yes, it's Adrianna," she said primly as if we were in some board meeting.

"And I'm Lucien," I said, licking up the side of her neck, giving up the impossible fight. She squeaked and tried pulling away from me. “Why do you taste so good little omega?”

She was breathing hard with panic, and I could sense her emotion changing to fear. I quit licking her neck and instead settled her more firmly over my hard cock.

“What’s going to happen?” she asked with fear in her voice.

“Hey, there’s no need to be scared,” I said. “If we’re your true mates, you’ll go into heat, and we will do the honor of knotting you.”