"Lucien," I called out, rubbing my tummy to calm her. "I forgot my water in the kitchen. Could you grab it for me, please?"
"Sure thing, little omega." He returned with a cup of water in his hand. He handed it to me, but I fumbled the glass, my fingers slipping on its surface.
The cup fell with a shattering crash, spraying water everywhere.
"Shit," I sighed, getting to my feet.
Liquid gushed out of me in a torrent, soaking my legs and the floor beneath me.Double shit.
"My water just broke," I gasped out to Lucien, wide eyed.
We both glanced out the window. The sun was setting and nightfall was rapidly approaching.
"The eclipse is tonight," I said with dread and sadness. The first contraction hit me like a wave and I groaned through it.
"No, no, no, it wasn't supposed to be like this," I cried out in pain.
Kayden and the rest of the alphas came bursting into the room, alarmed by the crash.
"She's gone into labor," Lucien informed them swiftly. "Prepare the supplies. We're about to deliver a little omega."
Several hours later, I gave a final mighty push, putting everything I had into it. I screamed out in agony, my womb contracting horribly. And then I heard it.
The tiny wavering cry of a newborn baby and my eyes flooded with tears. Kayden handed her to me, a tiny bundle all wrapped up, and I could barely make out her face. I gazed into her sweet green eyes and my world shifted.
"Is the eclipse still there?" I asked out shakily, weak from my labor.
"Yes," replied Lucien. "It looks like she's the 'little omega' now," He teased. I smiled at his joke, but my heart worried about her future already.
"I'm not giving her up to the omega nest when she's twelve, no matter how much money they offer me," I whispered fiercely, hugging her close to my chest.
"We'll do everything in our power to ensure she remains with us," Kayden vowed solemnly, stroking my sweat-soaked hair.
I had a tiny omega daughter now, and it was up to me to protect her and give her the life she deserved. I gazed up around me at the four fierce alphas by my side, and I knew she was going to be just fine.