Page 41 of Alpha's Fated Flame

The night was warm, but her exposed pink nipples still hardened as the air touched it. I cupped her tits in my hands, rolling the tips between my fingers. Her breasts were so large, they over spilled in my grasp. She let her head fall back to my chest and relaxed in my hold, watching the fireworks with a dreamy look upon her face.


Her unabashed relaxation into her pleasure was so fucking sexy. Her long lashes fluttered at the fireworks and her full lips were curved into a content smile.

Chapter 18


Thiswassuchanamazing day, it didn't feel real. I was convinced I was dreaming at this point. I lay back in Lucien's arms, enjoying the way he was fondling my breasts. Twinges of pleasure ran through my body.

The fireworks display was breathtaking and heartbreakingly romantic. The way it spelled out my name was so thoughtful and sweet. I did not expect such beautiful gestures from the scarred alpha. Everyone believed him to be damaged and broken, but I did not see him that way.

Yes, he was more careful than most and spoke little, but I could see his love for me and dedication to his pack in everything that he did. I believe he felt his emotions more deeply than others, but hid them.

My wandering thoughts slipped away as he reached his hand between my legs, hiking my dress up and casually slipping a finger inside my pussy. I moaned at the deliciousness of it all.

He massaged my channel with his finger, and we continued watching the fireworks above us. Then he lay me down on the blanket and replaced his finger with his mouth.

"I love eating you out, little omega. Your pussy tastes like caramel," he rasped against me. I blushed at his explicit words and unexpected compliment.

My embarrassment quickly left me and I spread my legs out wider, giving him deeper access with his tongue. He thrust his tongue in and out of my slick hole, a preview of what was to come.

He reached up and continued playing with my nipples. His tongue swirled around my clit, and I shuddered at the sensation. I couldn't wait anymore. I needed his cock in me.

"I need your knot, Lucien," I gasped out boldly.

His eyes widened at my words.

"Turn over, little omega." He said, giving my pussy a final lick.

Hurt flashed in my eyes at his words.Why did he never want to see my face while we had sex?Now that I thought about it, I remembered every time we had sex he was always at my back, avoiding my gaze.

"Why?" I asked him, hurt in my tone.

"I never fuck face to face." He replied harshly, his emotionless mask snapped firmly back in place.

"Well then, I guess we're not fucking then," I retorted, copying his crude language. The fireworks continued flashing overhead, a mockery of the now turned sour date.

"I'll be the judge of that," he said lasciviously, licking my pussy from top to bottom again.

"No, Lucien!" I said, pulling away quickly and closing my legs shut. I adjusted my dress to cover myself up, suddenly feeling exposed.

"Why do you shut yourself away like this? Why can't you open up to me?" I asked outright, determined to get to the bottom of this once and for all.

He turned his face away, getting ready to leave, like he did the last time I asked about his scar. But not this time. I didn't go through hell and back just to get half assed responses from him again.

I grabbed his face in my hands and looked him in the eyes, stroking his scar with my hand. "I love you, Lucien. Do you hear me? I love you!"

Pain filled his eyes at my words and he was stunned speechless. "No one has ever said that to me before." He admitted quietly.

I was shocked by his admission. "Surely, your mother must've told you that every day." I thought out slowly.

He laughed bitterly. "She's the one who gave me my scar."

I stared at him in disbelief. In my horrified silence, he finally let out his story, outlining the terrible details of his life in brief, curt sentences.

"When I was born, it was clearly evident that my mother's husband could not be my father," he said, gesturing to his pale features.