My stomach growled loudly in hunger, and my eyes widened in shock and embarrassment. I couldn't stop it at all. I peeked over the balcony railing and thankfully no one was looking up or had noticed what we had been up to.
I motioned to Killian to scoot back into the room as our little adventure was coming to a close. I wasn't an exhibitionist, and I had already risked too much.
He grinned and did an awkward shuffle with Duncan, both of them still locked in me, and we reached the privacy of the dark room. They tipped us over and we landed on the fluffy, dark cushions.
These omega rooms were really amazing and came in handy, no pun intended.
"I am hungry," I announced out loud, relieved to finally speak and break our silence.
"We figured," said Killian with a wry grin. "That's where Kayden and Lucien went, to bring lunch after our mating."
"Lucien drew the short stick, so we got to mate with you first." Duncan added.
I rolled my eyes at their antics. For all their big, scruffy exteriors, they were still little boys at heart. Everything was a game of competition between them. I acted annoyed, but it was amusing to watch and it made me feel so special about the way they fought over me.
Duncan and Killian's knots released me simultaneously, and they withdrew from me carefully. Duncan went to get the never-ending towels to help me clean up, and Killian prepared an area for our arriving food.
This was such a cool place to picnic in, so cozy and isolated from the rest of the world.
"Do you have a phone on you?" I asked Killian. "I think I want to call my parents now."
He wore a surprised look on his face, but handed me his phone. I quickly dialed Momma's number and held my breath as the phone rang.
"Hello? Who's this?" Momma said. Her warm, familiar voice healed the holes in my heart.
"It's me, Adrianna," I said, my voice cracking with emotion. It felt like ages since I had spoken to them, after everything that had happened.
"Oh! Adrianna! I've been worried sick. I've missed you soo much. Where are you? I'm so sorry for everything that's happened," she tripped over her words, desperate to get everything out.
I laughed, "I'm okay, Momma. I'm with my pack now and I'm fine. Everything is okay and I forgive you, don't worry about it."
She sobbed on her end of the phone and I wished I had called her sooner.
All the anger I had felt towards them before was gone. I understood now why they had hidden me. Omegas had it rough in the world and they had wanted me to experience the options of life. While I still didn't agree with their methods, even I could see that they did what they did out of love.
We talked about anything and everything until Kayden and Lucien arrived with large, fancy boxes of steaming food. My mouth watered, and I quickly hung up, assuring her I would call again soon.
"Ooooh, it smells so good!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands in excitement.
"We weren't sure which type of foods you liked, so we ordered the best from each restaurant," Kayden stated proudly.
My mouth gaped open as Lucien started pulling out Chinese food and Mexican cuisine. Kayden set out Italian and Ethiopian dishes, all vegetarian. I peeked in the bag and saw some sandwiches.
My stomach rumbled loudly to my chagrin, and everyone laughed.
Paper plates were passed around, and my plate was loaded up with a little of everything. Killian had lit candles all around so we could see, and everything felt so ethereal and otherworldly. The thick velvet curtains to the balcony were closed so we could laugh and speak loudly without disturbing the rest of the library.
I looked around at all of their faces, and my heart felt like it could burst with joy. I was almost fully mated to all of them and having the time of my life.
I watched the way Adrianna laughed and enjoyed her food with a gusto.
I tracked her every movement, handing her napkins and condiments before she could ask. My dick was rock hard as I saw the three alpha marks on her neck. And the empty spot just above her collarbone, just waiting for my fangs to sink in and claim her.
I was so fucking mad at drawing the short stick and losing to Duncan and Killian. But at least, when it was my turn to mark her, I would have her all to myself and didn't have to share.
She didn't notice the way I followed her with my eyes or the desire burning within them. She would have run screaming in the opposite direction if she could read my thoughts right now.