Page 10 of Alpha's Fated Flame

"This girl smells like an omega. She will remain with the Bloodmoon Pack until she goes into heat with them. And from now on, she will follow the rules expected of her as an omega," Roman announced. “Settle down everyone.”

“Please, I’m not an omega, though,” I pleaded, trying to remove myself from this mess.

Kayden turned to the giant of an alpha in front of me, the one with a military buzz cut.

"Duncan, take her back to the house. I will stay back and smooth things over. Killian and Lucien, make sure the crowd can't get near her."

I heard affirmative replies, and the wall of muscles started moving. I moved my feet, to stay in the protective bubble as we entered the now rowdy crowd. People tried reaching in to get another glimpse of me, but we moved through swiftly, heading to what I assumed was the car.

As we passed the omega stage, I caught a glimpse of the blonde I had seen earlier. She looked at me with pitiful compassion and mouthed. "Good luck."

Chapter 4


Iwantedtogetas far away as possible from this gathering. I had enough for the night and just wanted to get home and forget all this happened. This was all just a cruel joke, as if I could ever be a contender for being the mate of alphas. I wasn’t supposed to ever have an alpha mate.

I wasn’t an omega, and I felt sick to my stomach.

My heart felt like it was shattering into a million painful shards. Unexpected tears pricked at my eyes. I thought I was all cried out years ago, but every day brought fresh reminders of how different I was.

We reached the gate that separated the clearing from the parking lot. I was almost out of this nightmare of everyone staring at me. The human-hybrid freak show. In my rush, I bumped into the solid mass in front of me. I lost my balance and started to fall.

Suddenly, I felt large hands wrapping around my waist, steadying me from falling. My skin tingled and warmed at the touch, and I looked up directly into the icy gaze of the most striking alpha I'd ever seen.

My eyes widened, taking in the sight of his pale hair and eyes. But most of all, I noticed the jagged scar running down the left side of his face, destroying the cold perfection.

Our bodies were inches away. I could feel his breath on my cheek. His arms were steel rods ensuring my safety, and I could feel the strength of his muscles.

I couldn't move away.

Something was changing in me; something was different that I couldn't quite place. A heat was emerging from my core and radiating out all over my body. I couldn't quite catch my breath.

Warmth pooled in my body, and deep inside me, something stirred.

What is wrong with me? Was I sick?

I parted my lips, my breath coming out in quick gasps. Only mere inches separated my lips from his. And this man's lips were the only soft part I could see of his body. They looked tantalizing and cooling. A cooling I desperately needed as the heat in my body reached a fever pitch.

My clothes felt itchy and uncomfortable. My jeans were way too rough, rubbing on the skin of my inner thighs. My bra straps felt two sizes too small.

I just wanted to rip everything off and let the cool night air relax me.

What was going on?This wasn't me. These feelings were alien and invasive.

Shocked at myself, I pulled away from his arms. I saw a knowing, hurt disappointment flash in his eyes before he quickly masked his expression and turned his face away. He resumed his brisk walk, and I was confused by all the feelings he arose in me.


Bitterness coated the back of my throat.

For a minute there, I had hoped that maybe this time might be different, that maybe I could be near a beautiful female without her shivering in disgust. But she was no different from all those other empty-headed females. Only seeing my scar first and not the alpha behind it.

I quickly resumed my mask, the emotionless face that kept everyone away at arm's length. Exactly the way I preferred.

Fuck. Her scent was so tempting, a warm caramel that matched her long, red hair perfectly. The complete opposite of me. She was warm and soft when I held her, the warmth of her skin lingering on my hands.

We reached the car, and I quickly opened the car door for her. I averted my gaze, staring off into the distance so I wouldn't have to endure any more disgusted looks from her. But to my surprise, she completely ignored the open door and started walking away from us.