Page 10 of Bronx

CORA STOOD AT THEentrance of her borrowed suite in the Moonstone Lodge, taking in every last detail. The glow of the fireplace illuminated the cozy living room, casting a golden hue on the polished wooden floors. Samuel dashed into the room, his hair bouncing as he explored their new home.

“Wow, Mommy! Look at this place!” Samuel squealed, his eyes wide with wonder.

Cora smiled, watching her son’s boundless energy fill the space. In that moment, the opportunity to live somewhere so lovely, far from the cramped women’s cabin where she had once resided, almost overwhelmed her. This was also a step up from the crowded cabin where Samuel had lived with a friend of Cora’s and her several children—a precaution Cora had taken after the first time Blake Deacon had backhanded the boy, sending him flying across a room.

Here, though, they could be together, just the two of them, like a real family.

“Come on, Sam-I-Am. Let’s see the bedrooms,” Cora said, reaching out a hand for Samuel to take as he snickered at her nickname for him.

Together, they explored the suite, finding two comfortable bedrooms complete with soft linens and beautiful artwork.

As they settled into the rooms, Cora recalled the gentle smile of the giant shifter in the lobby. Even though they had only met briefly, his kindness toward Samuel left an impression on her. She found herself wishing Samuel could have been fathered by someone like him instead of Blake Deacon, the cruel and domineering former alpha of the Idaho Pack.

“Mommy, look at this!” Samuel squealed with delight as he pulled a small toy car out of the plastic grocery sack full of toys that Justine had sent with them. His eyes sparkled with excitement, and for a moment, Cora forgot her worries.

“That’s nice,” she said, smiling at her son’s enthusiasm. “I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun playing with it.”

Samuel hugged her tightly, then ran off to race the toy car across the room.

Cora watched him, her heart squeezing with love for her little boy. It was true, she thought, that bringing Samuel here might have its challenges. But she couldn’t deny the joy of having him with her all the time, no longer needing to sneak off to visit him in secret. This was their chance to build a life together, away from the shadows of their past.

“Vroom, vroom!” Samuel shouted as he pushed the car up an imaginary ramp. “It’s going so fast.”

“Wow, that’s amazing,” she said, joining in on his excitement. “You’re a great driver.”

“Really, Mommy?” he asked, his face beaming with pride. “Can I drive a real car?”

“Of course you can. When you grow up,” she said. “But for now, let’s stick to toy cars, okay?”

“Okay,” Samuel giggled as he continued to play.

Cora sat down on the sofa, her thoughts moving back to the giant shifter from the lobby. She wondered if there were more shifters like him in this new pack—people who could make a difference in Samuel’s life.

“Mommy?” Samuel’s voice cut through her thoughts again. “Can we have pancakes for dinner?”

“Sure, why not?” She ruffled his hair affectionately. “Just make sure you save some room for veggies too.”

“Deal!” Samuel cheered, resuming his play with the toy car.

Despite the small amount of cash she had with her, Cora decided to splurge on room service.

Just this once. I’ll start being more frugal tomorrow, she promised herself. Besides, she didn’t really need anything. She could eat whatever Samuel didn’t finish.

Cora smiled as she watched her son devour the pancakes after they were delivered, all thoughts of vegetables disappearing. They might still face challenges and uncertainties ahead, but they would be together. In this moment, that was all that mattered.

Well—that and a bath for Samuel, Cora thought wryly as she headed into the bathroom. It was amazing how quickly her baby boy could turn into a stinky cub.

The hot water streamed from the faucet, filling the tub with a gentle lapping melody. Cora’s eyes followed the steam as it danced above the surface, soothing her anxious thoughts. She swirled her hand through the water and smiled at Samuel, who stood beside her, eagerly waiting for his bath.

“All right, kiddo,” she said, turning off the faucet. “Time to get you all cleaned up.”

Samuel clapped his hands together before reaching for his favorite rubber duck.

Cora helped her son step into the tub and eased him into the water. He giggled, splashing as she lathered soap onto a washcloth.

“Remember to keep the water inside the tub, okay?” she chastised lightly, wiping the suds across his tiny shoulders. Samuel nodded, already lost in a world of aquatic adventures with his beloved duck.

As she washed Samuel’s dark hair, Cora found herself thinking about finding a mate—someone who would love both her and her son. She imagined strong arms wrapping around her, comforting her after a long day, laughter echoing through their home as they played with Samuel.