“Go ahead, sweetie.” Cora fought the urge to cling to her son. She knew she needed to let go of her fears, at least for Samuel’s sake.
“Great,” Justine said, taking Samuel’s small hand in hers. “Let’s go see what we can find.”
As they disappeared up the stairs, Cora watched them go, her hands trembling with anxiety—but also hope. She knew that Samuel deserved a normal childhood, free from the shadows of their past. And maybe they could find it here, in Moonstone.
A moment later, the sound of laughter floated down the staircase, a balm to Cora’s frayed nerves. As Samuel’s giggles grew fainter, Ivy’s anxious gaze rested on her friend. The light from the living-room lamps cast a gentle glow around them, and the Christmas-tree scent of pine wafted through the room, in addition to the cooking smells from the kitchen.
“Something’s bothering you,” Ivy observed, her gaze searching for answers in Cora’s face. “What’s wrong?”
Cora hesitated, her fingers twisting a loose thread on the hem of her worn denim shirt. “I know the Idaho Pack has changed since Deacon’s and then Ellerson’s deaths, and the males’ behavior has improved…but I still don’t feel comfortable there.” She swallowed hard, her gaze pleading with Ivy. “Is there a place for us here? In the Moonstone Pack?”
Ivy reached out and squeezed Cora’s hand reassuringly. “I’ll talk to Ryker and Steele, but I’m sure we can figure out something for you and Samuel.”
Cora exhaled in relief. For the first time in what felt like a lifetime, she allowed herself to hope that they could find safety and peace somewhere—preferably here within the Moonstone Pack.
In that moment, she realized how much she had longed for the camaraderie of a true pack—one where members cared for each other rather than living in fear. Looking around Justine’s home, hearing the distant laughter of her son discovering new toys, Cora knew she would do anything to give him the chance to grow up surrounded by love and support.
“Ryker and Steele will understand,” Ivy continued. “You and Samuel deserve a chance at happiness.”
Eager to change the subject from her own troubles, Cora tilted her head curiously. “So how are the mating ceremony plans going?”
Ivy’s cheeks flushed pink at the mention of her upcoming union with Ryker. “Well, we haven’t set a definite date yet, but we were considering the next full moon as a perfect date for the ceremony.” She hesitated for a moment before continuing. “Would you stand with me during the ceremony?”
“I’d love to,” Cora said, both surprised and touched by the request.
Before Ivy could respond, the front door creaked open, and a woman with silver highlights in her blond hair entered, scanning the room in search of Justine.
“Amelia!” Ivy called out, crossing the room to greet her. “Cora, this is Amelia, Justine’s sister.”
“Nice to meet you,” Amelia said, extending her hand.
“Likewise,” Cora replied, shaking it tentatively, surprised by the woman’s grip, the strength hidden beneath Amelia’s elegant exterior.
“Amelia has impeccable timing,” Ivy murmured, her gaze flickering up the stairs. “Justine!” she called out. “Your sister is here!”
“Coming!” Justine’s voice echoed from above, followed by the sound of footsteps on the wooden stairs.
As Amelia chatted with Ivy about the upcoming ceremony, Cora allowed herself to imagine a future free from fear, one where she and her son could finally embrace the love and protection of a true pack. She knew finding a place in the Moonstone Pack wouldn’t necessarily be easy, but with Ivy’s support—and the kindness of women like Amelia and Justine—she felt confident that she and Samuel would find the home they so desperately needed.
The sound of thundering footsteps and a child’s laughter filled the room as Samuel came racing down the stairs, his silky dark hair flying around his head with each step. He waved a toy truck triumphantly above his head, his eyes wide with excitement.
“Mommy, look!” he exclaimed, skidding to a halt next to Cora. “Aunt Justine said I can have it!”
Justine descended the stairs, her arms laden with forgotten treasures from Ryker’s youth.
Cora’s eyes softened at the sight of her son’s joy, but she still sought confirmation from the woman in question. “Is that okay, Justine?” she asked hesitantly.
“Of course,” Justine replied, her blue eyes crinkling with amusement. “I’m glad he found some things he likes.”
“Thanks,” Cora murmured, her trepidation easing slightly as she ruffled Samuel’s hair, making him giggle.
Justine studied the mother and son for a moment, sensing there was more on Cora’s mind than just toys. “Where are you staying tonight?” she asked gently, as if she had read Cora’s thoughts.
Cora hesitated, her fingers unconsciously curling around Samuel’s small hand. “I… I haven’t decided yet,” she admitted, her voice laced with worry. She glanced down at her son, determined to protect him but unsure of how to proceed.
“Actually,” Amelia interjected, “I have a suite at the Moonstone Lodge that I rarely use. You and Samuel are welcome to stay there.”
Cora’s breath caught in her throat, as she was overwhelmed by the offer. Her mind raced as she weighed the pros and cons, but ultimately, she knew it would provide the safety and stability she longed to give her son.