Page 46 of Vicious Heir

“What’s the plan?” he asks as I stare fucking holes into the vehicle transporting Evelina to who knows where.

Most of the men who purchase women at the monthly underground auctions are legitimate-ish businessmen looking for kinky shit they can’t get elsewhere. But every now and then we’ve got a sick bastard who comes in and has ulterior motives for the women—like using them in sick and twisted fucking murder games.

We just had this happen last month. The woman had been circulated in the auction for the past year or so and had never had a bad experience with the men. Until she was gutted and thrown into Lake Michigan to be fish food.

“Plan is to follow the fucker we’ve got eyes on. When he pulls into his house with his white picket fence, we ambush him, get Evelina into the Bugatti, and I’ll either set up a money transfer to him, or if he puts up a fight, I’ll end him. Either way, Evelina gets into this car. That’s our number one job for tonight. Everything else will fall into place.”

My chest seizes at the thought of her being in that vehicle with whoever the fuck the bastard is.

The obsession I feel for her… The one that started as a quiet fucking daydream and has turned into a full-blown fixation on her… It’s thundering under my skin. I’ve always had an obsession with beautiful things. And Evelina is fucking ethereal. From the first moment I laid eyes on her, I knew my brain, my fucking soul, would never let her go.

Suddenly, I’m jolted to the left as Dom crosses three lanes of traffic and makes a sharp right turn.

“Fucking hell!” I yell as he shakes his head. Everything happened fast as shit. “He’s clearly onto us. He didn’t seem like he had a goddamn clue sixty seconds ago.”

Dom slams his foot down on the accelerator and weaves in and out of traffic, nearly missing an oncoming vehicle as he darts back into our lane.

He lets out a deep, throaty chuckle. “Told ya’ to buckle up, buttercup.”

His hands are grasping the steering wheel tightly as he continues to veer left and right to stay close to the Rolls Royce.

“Plan’s changed,” I tell him. “When you get an opportunity, take him out.”

His grunt is loud and clear. He doesn’t agree.

“Got a better idea, Dom?” I ask, but it’s strictly rhetorical. He’s taking orders from me even if he’s got half a decade and more experience on me. “I’ll pay for the repairs. Just do what I say.”

Evelina is precious fucking cargo. But she’s also smart.

Fucking brilliant.

It’s all those goddamn books she reads.

She knows something is happening, likely knows it’s because of me. She can feel the way the car is swerving and dodging. She knows something is up. She’s got her belt on. She’s gonna be fine.

Couldn’t get rid of my sweet fucking obsession even if I wanted to.

God, my brain is a fucked-up place to be.

I take Dom’s advice and finally buckle up, knowing the impact will be worse from our position. This buyer is afraid of something—or someone. He wouldn’t have caught on so fast unless he was worried. This tells me there’s more to his story than buying a woman for a month to do as he pleases.

The Royce veers off onto a one-way side street, and we don’t even have to fucking hit him because the dumb fuck turned the wrong way on said street. In the time it takes me to blink and grab the dash, headlights bore into both of our vehicles, and the Royce is hit head-on. Even from inside Dom’s car, the sickening crunch is audible.

“Shit!” I open the car door as Dom deviates up onto the sidewalk.

Luckily, no pedestrians are in sight as he skids to a stop, nearly missing a light pole. That would’ve been a fuckin’ mess to clean up.

I’m already to the Royce with Dom on my heels as the driver of the other car, the one that’s collateral damage, struggles to open his door.

I yank open Evelina’s door, and she’s sitting inside hyperventilating, her belt still clipped in. She brings one hand to her mouth when she sees me.

“You’re good, Evelina. You’re good,” I say.

I’m not great at comforting people. Never been much for consoling people.

“Niccolò?” she asks, as if she can’t believe I’m the one who is standing in front of her.

After seeing that Evelina looks unharmed, I quickly move to help her get unbuckled as a siren wails in the distance.