Page 25 of Vicious Heir

Look how goddamn long that lasted.

Fucking Christ.

I scrub a hand over my face as I slowly reorient myself to my surroundings.

“Hey,” Matteo says, as Dom narrows his eyes at me. “You okay?”

Matteo’s barely said two words to me since everything went down with Gabriel Jr. and Giana, but from the worry line etched in his forehead, it seems like he’s genuinely asking.

“Nah, not really,” I tell him as my mind wars between the fact that I fucked Evelina on a table in her bookstore and the fact that my family is having a conversation about ripping my sister away from the only happiness she’s ever had.

“Fucking Greco isn’t answering his phone,” Gabriel says as he paces in front of where the rest of us sit in his study.

The usual suspects are here, along with the majority of our family’s capos, too. Gabriel is going to do anything possible to get Giana back to settle the debt he now owes to the cartel due to Giana not marrying Santiago. I can’t imagine The Blood Syndicate will want her now that Santiago was killed while G and Dante were escaping her wedding.

They won’t want her to marry into their family, but they will want her blood.

And Gabriel’s hosting a meeting to essentially deliver her directly to the man who wants to murder her in retaliation for what she’s done. I’ve hated Enzo Greco for many things, but I won’t hesitate to go behind my own family’s back in order to protect my sister. The first call I’m making when I get out of here is to Dante. He needs to know what Gabriel is planning.

“If I could get the little fucker to commit, we can set up a time to have him take Giana right out from under that DeSantis fuck’s nose and bring her to us. I’ll turn her over to show my good faith to Roberto Martínez. It’s my fucking head on the line here!” Gabriel screams at no one in particular, but it’s now that I see it.

For the first time in my life, I’m seeing Gabriel Amato terrified.

He’s going crazy thinking the cartel will be after him next, and the piece of shit would rather it be his own flesh and blood than himself.

I’ve never wanted to kill someone so badly in all my life.

Taking Gabriel out would solve so many issues that we’re facing as a family right now, and I could probably fucking do it, too. I just don’t know how long it would be before someone found out.

Stefano walks up to Gabriel and clasps a hand on his shoulder.

“We’ll get her, boss. I’ll go find pretty boy and bring him here for orders myself if I have to.” He looks at all of our capos, glancing at me in the process as well. “If these worthless fucking men can’t figure out how to get to him, I will. We’ll get him, and in turn we will get her,” he assures Gabriel, and I shake my head with complete fucking disgust.

They start making plans, but instead of paying attention, I look down at my phone and see Evelina’s sent me a text. It’s the first I’ve heard from her since we fucked in a fit of rage and then parted ways like it never happened. It’s only been a couple of days, but it’s too fucking long. I’ve been needing a hit of that woman. That feisty fucking woman with her smartass mouth and that pussy I’d gladly die inside of.

Evelina: I need your help. Now.



She locks the door and turns as she zips up her coat. I drink her in from the passenger seat as she quickly runs from the back door of her bookshop, her long blonde hair blowing wildly from the Chicago wind, and slides into the back seat of our rental car—a shitty old Ford Fusion that mafia members would never go near.

Had to find the least conspicuous of vehicles for a job like this.

“Okay,” she says as she clips her belt into place. “I’m currently tracking Enzo.” She holds up her phone screen so Dom and I can see the app she’s using that’s tracking Enzo’s vehicle. “He’s currently at Dante DeSantis’s house, which isn’t unusual. But wherever he goes next has to be something important because he lied about where he was going. He told me he had a meeting with Romeo, but his wife, Vittoria, called me a little while ago, and she happened to mention that Romeo is out of town.” She pauses to take a breath because she’s been talking nonstop, and quickly. “I didn’t get to explain this the other day”—she pauses and rolls her eyes at me—“because you were too interested in getting in my pants—”

“Technically you weren’t wearing pants—”

She grunts dramatically, effectively cutting me off as I smirk at her. “Fuck off, Niccolò. Just listen!” She points one long, manicured finger at me. “I found out about him working for you and wanted to ask you if you could help me get actual proof of my own to go to Romeo DeSantis with. But then I found out he’s also calling someone else ‘boss.’ It’s a different voice that I’m hearing on the audio device that I’ve implanted into his suit. And I think he might be meeting that person now.”

Dom grabs the phone out of her hands, and I let out a chuckle when she does a little half-scream, half-yelp thing as she’s taken by complete surprise by his forwardness.

“Oh, sorry,” I fake apologize. “This is Dominic. One of our men who’s acting as our driver for this little escapade you have us going on.”

Evelinahmmphsin the back seat, and I flip down my mirror and angle it so I can watch her.

Her green eyes darken as she narrows them at him, then finds mine in the mirror. “I’d like my phone back. I’m going to need that to take photos; otherwise, this is pointless.”