Page 93 of Vicious Heir

“Come on, bitch. We don’t have all day.”

Baby will probably be worthless too.

This asshole guard’s words linger in my mind and only further push me toward the edge of something I never wanted to be a part of.

My baby will not be worthless.

I am not worthless.

And this baby is the reason we are going to get the fuck out of here.

Thanks for the idea,bitch.

The guard is looking down at her phone, and I scoop a handful of water in my palm and drop it down the front of my body. Then, I do it again, and again.

“Fuck!” I scream, doubling over as I moan loudly, doing my best to imitate labor pain, although I have no idea what that’s like.

The guard hops down from her position on the counter and walks toward me. I spin toward her, holding my still small bump, and I let out a string of curse words.

“It’s too early!” I shout. “Oh my god!”

I widen my eyes and look at the guard like she’s my savior.

“Fuck, you can’t even be pregnant right. Gabriel is going to ki—”

Just as she closes the distance between us, I yank the knife out of my pocket and shove the blade into her abdomen. It’s her turn to be surprised now—and she’s really, really fucking surprised.

“You.” She pauses, looking down at her stomach as the wound bleeds. “Stupid.” Pause. “Bitch.”

I ram the knife into her again, and she stumbles backward and falls to the linoleum floor, the blood running out of the two holes like a water fountain. I grab the two-way radio from her side, yanking out the earpiece quickly as I hook it onto my apron.

The guard moves a bit as she claws at the floor, lying on her stomach, so I straddle her and plunge the knife into her back one last time. Flashes of the man I killed play behind my eyelids as I scrunch them together and take a deep breath.

Then I stand and radio exactly the way Jeffrey told me to, telling whoever is listening about the fire that is for sure blazing above us. When that’s done, I look at the guard again before leaving her to die where she lies.

“No,” I say. “You’rea stupid bitch.”



I move quietly and quickly through the long corridor, unlocking cells and telling the people inside that we need to move.

The shocked looks on their faces are enough to provide the hope I’ve been desperately craving since the men took Niccolò and me from that hotel room. A trail of people follow behind me as I move toward the viewing room. I’m the only person armed, and I’m terrified I’m going to run into someone who hasn’t made their way up to the third floor.

So far, the coast is clear. The radio at my side is kept on, just in case someone says something that tips me off about where they are, and there’s nonstop yelling coming from it as guards and whoever else are trying to decide how to tame the growing flames above us.

I unlock the viewing room and realize the women on the tables are shackled in place, and the men are high off their asses.

How the fuck is this going to work?

Goddamn, Jeffrey.

And the code…

Ugh, Evelina. One thing at a time.

“Okay, I need you”—I point to two of the women behind me—“to start unshackling the women on the north end of the room. You”—I point to two others—“start at the south end, and you four can meet in the middle. Move. Fast.”