Page 84 of Vicious Heir

Her eyes widen over my shoulder into the room, and I’m immediately confused.

“I’ve been wondering about how her pussy is so magical, too.”

The deep, familiar voice makes every fucking hair on my body stand on end. Not many people or things can elicit such a reaction, but Gabriel Amato and his threats, especially when they have to do with what is mine, never fail.

I whip around, blocking Evelina from view as I reach for my gun at my side.

“Now, now, son,” Gabriel says, the word son causing my entire body to heat. “There’s no need for you to get so worked up so fast. I’ve come to visit my boy, the one I’ve appointed to continue my legacy, and I have a deal for you. A negotiation of sorts.”

Quickly, I survey the room. Four men I’ve never seen. Gabriel. And a woman who I’ve also never laid eyes on. I don’t have time to really take any of them in. I’m outnumbered, and I have no way to protect Evelina if I can’t protect myself.

“I don’t negotiate with liars,” I say, walking Evelina and me back toward the closed door behind us, keeping my eye on him.

Four guns cock, and I smirk.

“Thought we don’t need to get worked up?” I grit out, halting.

Gabriel chuckles and shrugs as his men point their guns toward Evelina and me. He stands from where he was previously resting on the air conditioning unit and walks toward me. Two of the men get up and stand on either side of him.

“You’ve clearly already started working on a new team to protect you from the big, bad cartel, huh?” I say, my tone more mocking than it should be. I’m fucking outnumbered. Need to keep a hold on my goddamn mouth. “Let Evelina go, and we can talk about whatever it is you want to negotiate. But I’m not talking with her in the room. There’s no reason she needs to be part of this.”

I squeeze her hand. Since she stands behind me, I don’t have a read on her.

“Oh, she definitely needs to be part of this,” he says.

He stops a few feet away from me, shaking his head.

“Plus, you clearly want the Greco woman part of this, or she wouldn’t be with you,” he says. “Rule number one, son. Don’t get involved with a woman you can’t stand to lose.”

Just as he says the words, the door behind us opens, and two more men come in. Before I can even pull my gun all the way out of its holster, one of them grabs Evelina.

A scream rips from her throat as the two men who were at Gabriel’s side grab me, knocking the gun out of my hand.

“Fuck!” I grunt as my arms are twisted behind my back and Evelina is taken out of the room. “Fuck you!” I thrash in their arms and making no fucking progress.

“Just fucking knock the bastard out,” Gabriel says.

Before I can fully even decipher his words, a sharp sensation in my neck has me seeing the backs of my eyelids.

* * *

“Finally,”I hear as I blink my eyes open.

The second I realize I’m still in the hotel room, I frantically look around, searching for Evelina.

“She’s not here. She’s safe though,” Gabriel says. “For the time being.”

I’m bound and gagged. My fucking arms are twisted uncomfortably behind my back and my ankles are tied together. The swivel chair I’m sitting in rocks as I attempt to see how tightly the ropes are fastened.

Gabriel orders one of his fucking shitheads to remove the gag, and my first thought is to get Evelina closer to me. The only thing I give a fuck about right now is Ev. Ev and the baby. God, I fucking hope those fuckers don’t hurt her.

There’s not a goddamn chance I can come back from it if they do.

Not this time.

“Let me see her. Bring her here, or I won’t do shit for you,” I grit out.

“You aren’t exactly in the…position…to make threats. Here’s what I’m proposing. You give me the Greco girl, and you can have Svetlana here.” He motions to the woman sitting on the bed.