Page 53 of Vicious Heir

“You will say nothing. Do not open your fucking mouth again. If you speak anything about my visit here, I will fucking end you.”

I walk out of the small room and nod at Dom. He follows me to the nurses’ station, and we’re met with Ashley, the brunette, again.

“Ashley, Ashley, Ashley,” I sing-song before smiling at her. “You’re going to make sure my friend in room four gets a room here tonight. He’s acting really fucked up, you know? Probably a concussion. He should definitely be monitored, don’t you think?”

Next to me, Dom lets out a low chuckle as he raps his knuckles against the partition.

“Would be a shame if you guys didn’t do your due diligence,” I say.

Ashley slowly nods like she’s picking up what I’m putting down. “I think I can make sure that happens.”

I make a show of turning my smile into a frown. “No, you will. You’ll make sure it happens.”

She visibly gulps down her fear, and I give her a smile again.

“Good. Glad we have an understanding.”

Dom and I both turn and head to the sliding doors, and I stop and turn back around to her.

“And Ashley…” I call out. “We were never fucking here.”



“Evelina,” I call out after getting through the security system I have set up to keep my safe house locked down.

I was prepared to spend more time with the fucker in the hospital, but he caved quickly. It tells me he’s a rookie and, more than likely, not someone who is too integrated into any shady shit. He was just a moron who got twisted up in something way out of his depth.

Still, he has to die.

Loose ends and shit.

Unfortunately, he’ll have to suffer until I talk to this banker. I’m sure the guy knows I’ll be back, although I tried to leave him with a bit of hope.

“Evelina!” I say again, a little louder this time.

I throw my keys on the kitchen counter and realize she may have fallen asleep. There’s an empty glass next to the sink, which tells me she’s at least drunk a bit of water, although there aren’t any remnants of food anywhere.

I walk to the garbage can and open it to find it empty.

I’m sure I wouldn’t feel like eating after the night she’s had either, but I need to make sure she gets at least something in her. Even if I have to wake her up to do it. She’s gotta eat.

After heating up a bowl of chicken noodle soup, I make my way up to the second floor and peer into the room I assumed she’d be in—but she’s not there. The bed is untouched.

My heart picks up its pace in my chest, and I call her name again, my steps more hurried than just moments ago.

“Evelina!” I yell as I round the corner into the small bathroom.

The sight makes me drop the soup. The bowl shatters into endless pieces on the floor.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I fall to my knees and crawl over the shattered glass until I reach her.

She’s splayed out on the gray-tiled floor with blood surrounding her lower half.

I’m next to her in a matter of seconds and feeling for the pulse point on her wrist. I let out a long exhale when I feel it thumping forcefully under her skin.