Page 31 of Always Mine

“Three blocks over in front of the convenience store.” She passes him the keys before turning to look at me. “There’s also a small bag on the floorboard. Would you go with him and grab it for me, please?”

I’m too stunned to speak. Did she just….

Wyatt stiffens.“Mama—”

“Ember, you come with me to the stand. I need you to help me finish setting up.” Then Jacey drags her away before she can say anything further, with Lee on their tails. I don’t miss the death glare Ember shoots me, though. I say a silent prayer that I’m never alone with her. I have no doubt she’d kill me if given the chance.

Wyatt stares after them, his face going from shock to aggravation to anger before he masks it, settling on cool indifference, but the slight tick to his jaw gives him away. All the while he still doesn’t look at me and doesn’t say a single thing either. He just turns and leaves, giving me no choice but to stare after him.

“Well, go,” Mama snaps, pushing me to follow. I don’t respond, just stumble after him like a baby deer as my brain tries to catch up.

That escalated quickly.I wasn’t expecting that from Jacey. She may love me, but Wyatt’s her kid. I thought for sure she’d safeguard him from me at least a little bit.

I’ve never been more thankful for my long strides when I manage to catch up to him. Not that I can think of anything to say. I just walk beside him, ignoring the curious glances of the people we pass.

“Wyatt…” I start, half expecting him to tell me to shut up, or maybe even jab me in the gut. So I’m surprised when I don’t get any reaction whatsoever. He just keeps on like I didn’t even speak.

I inhale deeply, letting it out of my mouth slowly as I scramble with what to say. I’ve never had this problem with him before. It never mattered how much time we spent together, we never lacked things to talk about.

When we reach the truck, I still have nothing, but I know I need to say something in case this is the only opportunity he gives me to be this close. “Wyatt—”

“It’s unlocked. Grab the bag she wanted,” he grumbles as he hops over the tailgate to get the crate of supplies, never once sparing me a glance.

I do so quickly, meeting him at the back of the truck when he climbs back down.


“Did you shut the door?”


He turns to walk away and I’m flooded with panic, watching my chance to talk to him slip through my fingers. I reach out, taking hold of his arm the best I can with the bag dangling from my wrist. “Wyatt.”

He jerks in my hold, almost dropping the crate, but recovers, eyes shooting up to finally meet mine. They’re blue. The deepest blue I’ve ever seen, and right now they’re storming, like the ocean during a hurricane. He’s staring through me, making me feel exposed in ways I didn’t know were possible. I’ve never seen this expression on him before and I hate it.

“Let. Go. Of. Me,” he grits out, that husky tone of his sounding even more lethal than moments before.

I drop my hand, the bag dangling from my wrist feeling like it weighs a ton.

“I’m sorry.” I hold my hand up in surrender. “I just want to talk.”

“Really?” he chuckles, shaking his head in disbelief. “About what?”

About the other night. About how sorry I am. About how much I’ve missed you. About so many things.

That all seems too deep for a first conversation so I try to take the easy route. “How are you?”

I regret the words the second they leave my lips. It’s such a mundane thing to say and implies that I don’t actually have anything to talk about.

He shifts the crate, cocking a brow as he looks me over. “You’re kidding, right?”

“No, I want to know how you are.”I want to know so many things about the person you are now.

He sighs before nodding his head between us. “Look, I don’t know whatever it is you’re trying to do, and I don’t care. You and me? We’re not friends. We haven’t been anything for a long time. So, please, spare me whatever apology or good intention you think you have. I don’t need it, nor do I want it. You’ve moved on with your life, and so have I.”

Moved on with who?I want to scream, even though I’ve lost that right to know.

“I’ll be here for a while,” I blurt out, trying to keep him from leaving.