

Smilingas I pull into the driveway and look ahead at our house. Maddison insisted on going all out this year with the Christmas decorations. Sarah is two and she is in the ahhh stage where everything is so exciting, and also extremely dramatic.

My little girl has a set of lungs on her and toss in a mix of mine and Maddi’s attitude and damn she is a pistol. I’m talking about breaking glass and rattling cars to set off horns.

There are lights twinkling along the porch, an outdoor Christmas tree tucked in one corner, and a line of reindeer in the other, lit up and flashing. There is a massive Santa and frosty standing side by side, bobbling around in the light breeze as it shifts the air filled displays.

I sit for a minute taking it all in. Colton, Maddison’s dad helped her with the set up, but the choice of what and where that is all her.

Knowing already before I walk up the steps and enter the house that there will be more inside.

I love what I do, I love the people and the work, but residency also means that I miss a lot of time at home. We try to make all my time at home family time, but it doesn’t change the fact that I’m gone more than I’m not.

Maddison chose to stay home after we had Sarah and I’m grateful for that, but I know part of it is that she is still self-conscious about her limp. Something she will have the rest of her life after a near death experience with a horse. I barely notice, but she can’t seem to let it go.

Opening my door I climb out of my SUV and start up the driveway. The closer I get the louder the music gets and I laugh when I realize it's Christmas music blaring throughout our home.

Stepping up onto the porch, some little elf next to the door asks me if I’ve been good this year and I damn near jump out of my skin. I swear there is a new holiday treat added each day.

Placing my key in the door, I give it a turn and then twist the knob. The minute the door is open and I am stepping inside, the smell of cinnamon and spice engulfs me. Setting my bag down, I remove my shoes and turn just in time to see my fiery little girl come running in my direction.

Sarah’s loud excited squeal would make most cringe but I chuckle, bending down holding my hands out to catch her.

“Daddy!” wrapping her little arms around my neck she squeezes as hard as her tiny body allows and instantly my heart warms.

To love a child, it's nothing like I ever imagined. It is consuming, my entire world is under the roof of this house, what I love and breathe for, what I work so hard to provide for and to protect.

Glancing up, I see movement and find Maddison step through the threshold that leads to our kitchen and cross her arms over her chest, leaning her shoulder against the wall.

“She's been dancing around for the last hour singing Daddies coming to town, instead of Santa Claus,” Maddi shrugs. “Then it was Daddy the red nosed reindeer.”

“Daddy, Daddy, Daddy,” Sarah sings as she wiggles in my arms. I don’t release her, but instead bury my face in her neck and she giggles. “Did my little lady miss me?”

“This lady did too?” Maddi adds as she pushes off the wall and starts to walk toward us. Repositioning Sarah I make room for Mad as she curls in to my side, opposite Sarah. Tilting her head back I press a kiss to her lips and our daughter giggles while reaching in to separate us.

Immediately both Maddison and I grab our daughter's hand and pretend to bite at her fingers, making her giggle and squeal.

“Nom nom,” I fake chew, “tastes like chocolate.”

“Cookie,” Sarah corrects me, her smile reminds me so much of Maddison’s. Our daughter is a mirror image of her mom, with the same eyes and hair. She did get my nose, and my dimple on her left cheek.

“Tell Daddy what you made for him,” Mad directs her.

“nickers,” she announces and I laugh, I know she means snickerdoodles.

“My favorite,” actually I love most cookies, so I would have been happy with any kind.

“What do you say we eat dinner, and then take us some cookies and milk and watch whatever movie you want?”

Sarah places one hand on each side of my face and leans in, getting so close our noses touch. “Arfur Cwismas,” she states slowly and very seriously. I try not to laugh, but damn it's hard, she is too cute. “Wif chocwat milk, my pwincess piwow and Mommy’s bue banket”

She is so precise, staring at me waiting for me to make the wrong move. As if I would deny her, Sarah rules the house. Both Maddison and I have a really hard time telling her no. It's the eyes, the deep penetrating don’t cross me stare. Oh and her adorable smile, it’s a smile that hits deep and spreads like wildfire.

Everyone Is affected by it, Mom, Pop, even Garrett melts in her presence. Then there is Colt, there isn’t anything he won’t let Sarah get away with. She rules us all, holding us all captive with her cuteness.

“That sounds perfect,” I finally tell her and she leans in and kisses the tip of my nose. “You’re my favwut Daddy.” I try not to laugh at her choice of wording, because I know what she meant.