The lights are off, but the glow of the television adds enough that I can see the three of them clearly.

I do this often, remain hidden, simply taking in the three people I love with every fiber of my being. To love someone so deeply and so purely it still takes me breath away. They are my lifeline, the ones that ground me and each day remind me of the person I want to be.


I move across the room , as quietly as I can, kneeling on the side of Rhett, opposite our little boy. I see now that Blake is sleeping and Rhett is staring ahead at the animated Christmas movie playing on the screen.

He notices me, to which he turns his head, and holds out his arm. Welcoming me, I place my arm over Brynlee’s back and rest my hand over Blakes.

“Now I have everything I need,” Rhett whispers, as I tilt my chin up and he leans in closer to press his lips to mine. “This right here, to me, is the best part of my day.”

“Mine too,” I look forward to the quiet, the time when I can settle and enjoy the life we’ve built. Throughout the day there is so much chaos. The crying and yelling, the slamming of cabinet doors, banging of toys and the cartoons on repeat. I love it, truly I do, the smiles and giggles of Blake and Brynn make me happy. But it’s nice to sit and have them close, without all the crazy. Being able to simply breath and know that everything I could have ever dreamed of is within my embrace.

“I love them, but I’ll admit I’m looking forward to tomorrow night.” Rhett confesses, kissing my forehead and he hugs me a little tighter. “It’s been a while since you and I have had a night just to ourselves.”

“I think the last time we did I ended up pregnant.” I smile remembering the very night.

“Who knows,” he starts to say and I poke him in the side making him chuckle.

“No more babies,” I say as sternly as I can manage. I avoid looking at him, because I know I’ll find him scowling. He’d have me knocked up on repeat if I allowed it.

“One more,” he nudges me.

“You’re not the one that has to lug around all that baby fat, and deal with swollen hands and feet.”

“I’ve never seen a more beautiful pregnant woman.”

“Turning up the charm is not going to convince me to agree to another baby.”

“But we make perfect little people,” he adds and I try to hide my smile. He isn’t lying. “I thought we said four.”

“No, you said four.”

“Three,” he pushes.

“Maybe we should cancel tomorrow night,” I bite my lip to keep from giggling when he huffs.

“Not a chance, I’ve been looking forward to this for weeks.” Again he holds me a little tighter. “At least tell me that we can practice baby making.”

“There is nothing wrong with practicing.”

It took me months to get back to my pre-baby weight after having Brynnlee, almost a year to be more exact. I’m just finally starting to feel like myself again. It seems to get harder each child and I’m excited to get dressed up and have some adult time.

“What time is the party?”

“Six,” I yawn, feeling the events of the day starting to catch up with me. “Colton wants us all there by five forty-five though, because he wants to lead in Gretchen after everyone else.”

“We’re gone by eight,” Rhett insists and I look up at him once more. “Back here by eight thirty and naked by eight thirty-five.” His gaze grows darker as lust flashes in his eyes. “Then there is a no clothes rule set into place until morning when we are forced to climb out of bed.”

“You have it all planned out,” he nudges forward, kissing me passionately, dragging his tongue along the seam of my lips. I moan, just as his tongue dips inside and he deepens the kiss.

“Like I said, I’ve been looking forward to this for weeks, and not because it's Gretch’s birthday. I miss our time.”

And I have to agree, our time is few and far between. Life gets away from us, two kids, his job, and he coaches at the high school. Now with the holidays, and with a big family there is always something going on. I think we forget that we have to make time for ourselves too.

“After the holidays and the wedding, I think we need to go back to our weekly date night.”

“I agree,” I miss those nights.