I grew up with Gran, my mother not being what she should have been for me. I felt more alone than not, but now I’m overwhelmed, but in the greatest way. Everyone took me in like I’d been a part of family from the start and for the first time in my life I have sisters and brothers.

The nervous energy I’ve felt, wondering if me being the last to join would mean all the history they’ve shared would make it harder for me to belong was real. But that isn’t the case.

“We’ve got donuts, cinnamon rolls and,” Gretchen peers inside the third box. “Blueberry, banana nut and apple cinnamon muffins,” she turns with her eyes wide. “Your gran is a goddess.”

“Please don’t tell her that,” I stress, “her ego is already overboard.”

“I love your Gran,” Julian declares. “Lily Mae is such a riot, like a breath of fresh air. Her humor, and sass, oh my,” he laughs. “It used to surprise me, but now, nothing is a shock. In fact I expect her to be crazy and if she’s quiet that's when I worry.”

“She’s never quiet,” I mumble. Maddison laughs like she thinks I’m joking but I’m not. I hear a phone ringing in the distance and then Chloe saying hello.

She ducks out of the room so I figure it's Landon calling and I know it's about time I get ready to head home. I’m sure Garrett is wondering where I am.

“Oh my gawd!” Grace mumbles around a mouth full of cinnamon roll. “Heaven,” she adds. “I need a dozen of these twice a week.”

“Maybe you’re having twins,” Gretchen shrugs as Grace’s eyes grow wide. “I’m just saying."

“Don’t say!” Grace points at her and offers her the dirtiest glare making anyone close enough to witness it laugh.

“Guys,” we all turn to find Chloe standing in the doorway with a blank stare. “That was my dad,” she adds, taking a few steps closer. “We need to get dressed and head over to Gemma and Bud’s, apparently there is something we all need to see.”

My stomach feels like it drops to my feet as worry takes over. What if something happened to one of the guys?

“He said to make sure I let everyone know that no one is hurt,” she takes in a breath, “well besides Landon who seems to be sporting a black eye.

She glances over at Gretchen. “Given to him by your husband.”

Everyone is silent, looking around at one another unsure of what to say.

“Apparently there is a story behind it and plenty more questions we’ll have. But none of the guys know we’re coming, because my dad, Uncle Gavin and Uncle Reed think it will be more fun for us to surprise them.”

“Why am I suddenly scared?” Grace mumbles, still chewing her yummy goodness, showing no signs of putting it down. My stomach is coiled in knots.

“I’m not scared,” Julian jumps up rubbing his hands together eagerly. “I’m excited.”

The six of us look at him like he’s insane and all he does is smile. “Move it ladies, we’ve got puzzles to solve and yummy men to surprise.” He is already grabbing his keys and heading for the door before any of us can even get our shoes on.

Forget getting dressed, it looks like we’re all going in our pajamas.

* * *

“I’m at a loss for words,”I say as I stare around the bunkhouse. From the looks of it, so is everyone else. Each and every one of the guys looks like they’ve been battered and beaten. Not so much because they are sporting bruises, well besides Landon, but because they look like shit. Dark circles under their eyes, hair a mess, moaning and groaning with every move they make.

“A beer can,“ Chloe says, breaking the silence. “A full can of beer,” she says again nodding, still seemingly confused.

“I guess,” Landon wrinkles up his forehead which triggers his eyes to bunch up and then he groans in pain.

“You thought it was a good idea to throw a full can of beer at a drunk guy.” Maddison asks her brother.

Colton chuckles, “Hey in my defense I was too, and I don’t make sane choices while drunk.”

“You don’t make them sober either.” Gretchen tells her husband to get a scowl from him. “You can glare at me all you want but I can assure you that there is not a person in this room that will disagree with me.”

There’s not a single no heard throughout the room and all Colton can do is flip everyone off.

"And there’s more.” Reed states from across the room and they all shoot him a look that indicates he has already said too much. But that doesn’t stop him. “Isn’t that right boys?”

“Oh my God I am afraid to ask.” Grace sighs, covering her face with her hands.