“Or maybe Grace is,” I shrug, finally satisfied with the rise I’ve gotten out of one of my best friends. Julian is so much fun to torment.

“That’s it, I’m going on a diet,” Julian spins around on his heels, throws his hands up in the air and marches off stage.

“You are so mean,” She says at my side.

“Come on, tell me that wasn’t fun,” I asked her.

“Okay yes, I’ll admit it was a little fun,” she holds her hand up with two of her fingers an inch apart. “Maybe that much.

“I widen the gap and we both laugh before walking off to find our best friend. It was time to ease his mind and get this show on the road. I am so ready to get these pants off, because I’ve spent the last hour with a wedgy the size of Texas and I’m over it.

* * *

“Ah, great performance babe,”Colton walks up to the edge of the stage and holds out his hand to me. I only glare and his smile widens. “I especially love the little hip wiggle making the bells on your shoes ring.

“Keep it up and every time you walk that same bell will be ringing when I stick my shoe up your ass.”

“Oh baby, you know how I get when you talk dirty to me.”

“Couch,” I say and he opens his mouth only to quickly close it again.

“That’s what I thought,” it's the one word I can say that ends any torment he’s offering. He had to sleep on the couch one night when I refused to let him in our bedroom after he pushed me over the edge. There was no coming back that night, I was furious and needed time to cool off. That was the one and only time Colton slept on the couch. He hated it, and vowed never to do it again. He also threatened to take the door off the hinges so that I could never lock him out of our room again but it was only a threat and never made it beyond that point.

“How about we head over to Lucky’s for a drink with everyone?”

“Let me change.”

“Or you couldn’t...” I glare at him. “Come on babe, you look fucking cute.”

I don’t bite back, instead I spin around and walk toward Grace’s classroom to get out of this ridiculous getup and back into something that makes me feel like myself again.

Next year I swear I am hiding out; some place Grace will never find me during this holiday activity. Apparently that is what everyone else does, but I’m still learning. Grace is very convincing when she wants to be. She also gave me those sad, I'm pregnant and this is stressing me out eyes.

She is good!Reallygood!



“What in thehell do you mean, there’s no bachelor party?” I stare at the guys like they’ve lost their damn minds. Moving around the table I take each one of them in and then stop on Garrett. “Seriously, this is the last stretch of the single life and you aren’t having a fucking party... Nothing?”

“There is too much planning, with the holidays and everything.”

“There is never not enough time to have the last hurrah!”

“You didn’t have a bachelor party,” Garrett tossed back.

“That’s because this asshole lived his freedoms out over and over again for years. No bachelor party would have given him something he hadn’t already had ten times over.” Terrance points over at me.

“You make me sound like a gigolo.” Colt states.

“If the shoe fits,” Landon adds with a chuckle.

“Remind me why I hang around all you dicks?”

“Because no one else can tolerate you,” Rhett shrugs like the answer is so obvious.

“Friday night,” I ignore them all and turn my attention back to Garrett. “We go out for drinks, maybe Mercy, then we—,”