colton and gretchen



“I need space,”I roll up my sleeves and hold out my arms. “Give the master room to work.”

“I’m not sure there is enough pace in this room for your ego,” my mother adds with a laugh, but I don’t bite back.

We’ve been separated into two’s, by couples actually and Gretchen sits at my side, but has yet to do anything. Frankly I think I’ve frightened her. I smile at the thought but she tries to eat my dum-dum’s and I need those for my shingles. So yes, I bite her finger, but come on now, she deserves it. Those are my supplies.

I’ll admit I take gingerbread house building very seriously. I don’t like to lose and have held the title for four years running.

Rubbing my hands together I glance over at my wife. “You just sit back and relax, baby, I got this.” She of course rolls her eyes when I wink. Always so full of sass and I fucking love it. She keeps me on my toes.

“What the hell do you call that?” I glance over to find Landon standing a few feet away staring at my artwork.

“It’s a gingerbread house.” I say rolling my eyes dramatically with a huff which triggers Gemma and Aunt Kori to laugh.

“No,” Landon interjects, pointing toward Terrance and Mike’s projects. “Those are gingerbread houses,” then he pointed back to mine. “That is not."

"Okay fine, then this is a gingerbread mansion.” I shrug feeling completely satisfied with my explanation. “Now will you all stop; you’re distracting me and cutting into my design time.”

“You’re a tool,” Mike chuckles.

“I think Mikey might be jealous of my creativity.”

“Oh yeah, I’m envious of Colt.” He counters back as he leans back and lets Maddison do all his work. She’s looking at mine and then doing her best to match hers up the same. I reposition my chair to block her view and she glares at me.

“Hey,” everyone shifts to look over a Rhett who is literally looking around and pulling up the edge of the table cloth to search the floor. “Where the hell did all my pieces go?”

I hurry to turn my back to him trying my best to hide my smile, until I feel something bounce off the back of my head.

“Hey jackass,” Rhett says until Sarah runs through the room with Blake on her heels both chanting ‘ass’ over and over. Everyone chuckles but Rhett and Mike.

“Great,” Mike tosses his tube of icing on the table and stands. “Now we get to listen to our daughter sing ass through the grocery store while everyone looks at us like we’re the worst parents.

“Please, just last week she was whispering dick over and over,” I mumble under my breath.

“Hey, at least she’s got parts of the anatomy down.” Landon adds doing his best to hide his laughter.

“That’s it I quit,” Rhett drops his tools and backs away from the table and AJ covers her mouth with her hand. “Who the hell came up with this activity anyway?”

“Grace.” Chloe points toward her and we all follow.

She sits off to the side looking as focused as I was just a moment ago. Gracie is completely oblivious to the fact that she has gained everyone’s attention. She is being precise, and I notice she too has extra pieces.

I watch as she slowly reaches beneath the table and lifts another piece, in secret.

“Cheater!” I shout and stand up, making her jerk in surprise. “From little Miss innocent herself, the girl that can’t lie, or keep a secret if her life depended on it. Yet here she is being a sneaky ass and trying to outwit us all.”

So what does the little shit do, she looks back and offers us all a mischievous smile and then gets back to work.

“Disqualified,” I announce.

“You stole my parts.” Rhett interjects and I ignore him.

“Did you honestly buy another house just so you could have more parts?”