Kyra is going to fit in perfectly, she is as nosy as the rest of us. I can see why Garrett loves her so much. She seems so innocent, yet she is a sneaky little devil too.



“Grace wantsto tell Reed and Kori on Christmas,” Terrance says, sitting on the couch with a beer in hand. “She’s gonna have a t-shirts made with Papa and Mammie on the front and on the back have Blake and Brynnlee with their hand prints and then some plus sign or something with baby Taylor by it.”

“Do you plan to have your running shoes on?” Rhett chuckles.

“Like your dad doesn't know he’s doing things to his daughter.” Colton adds and Rhett’s gaze turns toward him.

“Shit man, do you have to say it like that?” Rhett wrinkles his nose but his eyes are blazing with irritation.

“Come on, we all know the two of them can’t stay dressed when they are alone.”

“I’m two-seconds from tossing you in the pool out back.” The thing is I don’t think Rhett is joking. Somehow Colton has managed to reverse this on him. Then again his mouth is always going, using every opportunity he can to get a rise out of one of us, or all of us.

“I’m sure they’ve done it in the pool too,” Rhett lunges at him and Colton chuckles as he falls back off the arm of the chair and hits the floor.

“Come on,” he mumbles through his laughter.

Suddenly the living room is full, with all the ladies wondering what in the hell is going on. Rhett tackles Colton and Terrance shakes his head, knowing the focus has moved on to something else.

Leaning over I gain his attention and hold out my hand. He places his in mine, “Congrats, truly.” I offer him. “There is nothing like being a father, nothing at all.”

I think of Sarah and how she held onto my neck and didn’t want to let go when we dropped her off to my parents. Until my mom bribed her with a cookie. I drove the entire way to Terrance and Grace’s teetering on turning back around to go get my girl. It breaks my heart to see her cry.

“After my grandparents passed I never thought I’d ever have a true family again.” Terrance talks low enough that only I can hear. “Then I finally got my head out of my ass and got the girl. All I picture is filling this house with kids and laughter. I want to be the kind of father that mine wasn’t.”

“You are nothing like that man.” I assure him.

“Who’s ready for Pictionary?” Chloe holds up a bowl with what looks like little pieces of paper in it and gives it a shake. Just behind her is Julian, carrying an easel with an oversized white board and markers.

Last year it was movie trivia and we all got schooled by Colton and Gretchen who seriously know their shit. Looks like I’m losing again this year because I can’t draw for shit.

“Guys against girls,” Kyra suggests and my little brother grabs his fiancée’s waist and pulls her in close. Saying something to her alone that makes her cheeks redden in embarrassment. I smile, realizing he’s more like me than I thought.

I still can’t believe that in a few weeks he’s getting married. It feels like just last week he was a cocky teenager throwing a fit because I beat him in an online battle.

“I’m completely okay with guys and girls,” Julian claps his hands and I’m waiting for him to break out in song, he’s so fucking happy.

“Settle down there Jules,” Gretchen pats his chest. “You pop your buckle and I’m out. I love ya big guy but none of us need to see how excited you are at the thought of being surrounded by all these men.”

“I say we draw names for teams.” Landon hides behind Chloe, using her as a shield to block Julian. It’s hilarious to see how much Julian gets to Landon. We all know the guy is harmless but he has never tried to hide the fact that he finds us all attractive.

“Okay teams,” Chloe laughs at her husband. “Three different teams and one team will gain Julian as a bonus.”

The guy doesn’t even care that he is the fifth wheel, he owns it.

For the next several hours we laugh to the point of tears. We drink and eat, and draw our themed pictures. The fucked up part of it is no matter what Colton picked out of the bowl, every picture had some part that looked more like a dick than anything else. I was beginning to think he was doing it on purpose. Santa riding a dick, a reindeer, eating a dick, a present that the bow resembled more of a dick than a bow, it was never-ending.

“You all can leave and Colton and I can keep this game going,” Julian winks at Colt and he stares back at him, his jaw slacking and his eyes unreadable.

“I’m good,” Colton tosses the marker to Rhett and walks toward the couch.

“Oh, I’ve heard how good you are.” Julian teases him a little more.

There is nothing better than watching the king of torment flustered and so unsettled he can’t seem to find the words to fight back. Julian is a handful, but he’s also hilarious.