I know he’s right, but it doesn’t stop me from wanting to reach inside and take away all the hurt she’s feeling. She is also one of my children and I adore her. I only want the best for themall.

The Wedding

Chapter Twenty Four


“So pretty,” Grace says as she runs her hand over my hair that is pinned up with tendrils falling down around my face. “You look like a princess.”

“She looks hot,” Julian adds, and though I know he has no interest I still feel my cheeks heat.

“Your skin is flawless and I’ve always thought you looked like a beautiful Chine Doll.” Maddison leans in and touches up my eye make-up. “Garrett is a very lucky man.”

I take a deep breath trying my hardest not to cry. I’m not great with being the center of attention. Each one of them are focused on me and have been all day.

“He’s gonna lose it when he sees you,” Grace is all giddy, practically bouncing on the balls of her feet.

“He’s been in love with you for so long,” Maddison holds my stare. “I can’t even begin to explain how happy it makes us all that he finally got the girl of his dreams.”

I try hard to hold back the tears, but they immediately pool in my eyes.

“You are all going to ruin her makeup,” Julian shushes them all and hands me a tissues. “Save it for after pictures you fools.” He eyes each and every one of them. “Are you all insane, sheesh.”

Everyone bursts out laughing and gone are the emotions that were threatening to overtake me.

“Are you ready for this?” Gretchen asks.

“I’ve been counting down the days. I’mmorethan ready.”

Chloe hooks her arm though mine and smiles at me brightly. “Let’s go get you hitched girl.”

“Welcome to the crazy,” Gretchen laughs as they lead me from the back room toward the man that holds my heart.


I take a slow deep breath as I watch Kyra walk toward me. Her gran at her side, she smiles at me and it takes my breath away. She is like an angel; she ismyangel.

I can’t take my eyes off of her.

I feel like I’ve waited forever for her and now I don’t ever want to let her go. The idea of a life without Kyra, is something I never want to face.

I’ve been surrounded by loving people my entire life. Every single man in my family, though pushy and slightly overbearing, loves intensely. I want a life like they all lead. I want to come home to a house full of chaos and grab hold of my wife, kissing her and making the kids eww as they cover their eyes. I want to trip over toys and hear giggling in the middle of the night when they should be sleeping.

I want itallwith Kyra.

I’m only minutes away from calling her my wife and my pulse races with excitement. She’s been mine for longer than she realizes.

Here in front of all our friends and our families I’m ready to commit my life to hers. I’m ready to seal our future.

As she reaches me I take her hand in mine and she steps up and her gran releases her hold. You take care of our girl,” she says. “Protect her and never let her fall.” Gran is usually mischievous, but in this moment she’s ever the Matriarch.

“I promise,” I say, Lily Mae has been in my corner from the start and I know she understands just how much I love her granddaughter.

The preacher starts and I can’t look away from my bride. Her eyes fill with tears and I want nothing more than to lean in and kiss away them away. She’s feeling the emotions of the day and if I’m being honest, so am I. My chest is on fire, and the pressure makes it hard to breathe freely. But none of those things are caused by fear but all consuming excitement.

“You may kiss your bride,” he doesn’t even get the words completely out and I’m stepping in close to hook Kyra’s waist. “This means you're mine,” I tell her as I kiss her softly and she runs her fingers through my hair holding me close.

“I’ve always been yours,” my wife whispers against my lips, and I am lost. Lost to her beauty, lost to the joy I feel. Lost inus.