The protective nature runs deep in the men in these parts.

It's uncontrollable.

Maddison runs her hand over the side of the cabinet and then opens the doors to peer inside. “There’s even grooves to hold the plates securely.”

“The China set Grandma gave you as a wedding gift will sit perfectly inside.” Alexis tells her, as she joins our daughter. Together they look over the details of the cabinet that Colton and I spent months perfecting.

My boy shares my joy of building. Colton stepped up and his talent amazes me, he’s got a gift. Together we’ve grown and built the business I started in my garage into something strong.

Now Gretchen, Colton’s wife, is one I can’tbuild anything for. The woman has an eye for beauty, though it may not be that way when she finds it, but she can take any piece of furniture and restore it. On most occasions it's better than its original form.

“Gretch,” I say and watch as she looks over from her place on the couch. “Alexis and I have your gift in the garage.”

She looks over at Colt then back at me. “Why don’t the two of you go have a look?” I motion with my hand and the two of them stand and start for the front door. Once they are gone I glance at Alexis and she worries her lip.

“Do you think she’s going to like it?”

“Babe,” my wife is always the worrier, “she is going to be in heaven.”

“What did you do?” Maddison asks and Mike picks up Sarah joining her.

“Why don’t we all go have a look?”

As a group we walk outside toward the two stall garage Colton and I use as storage mostly for lumber. The door creaks as we push it open and then step inside. Gretchen is in the middle of the room with several worn-out neglected pieces of furniture around her. Her face is buried in Colton’s chest and her shoulders shake.

Alexis releases a nervous gasp and grabs my arm.

“It’s okay,” our son tells us, and Alexis squeezes my arm tighter.

That is when Gretchen lifts her head and looks back at us. “I love it all,” she says and I’m taken aback by her tears. She may be my son's wife, but in my eyes she is a part of my family and I protect those I love.

“I’ve never had this kind of support from my family. All I wanted was for them to believe in me but they never did.” She says, her voice hoarse. “It truly means the world to me that you do.”

If only they knew just how special their daughter is, but that is their loss and our gain. I’m happy to claim her as my daughter and her talent awes me every time I see a before and an after.

“Of course we believe in you,” Alexis tells her, stepping around me and walking toward Gretchen. “You are our daughter and we love you. We want you to be happy.”

“I am.” She hugs Alexis back. “And I have all of you to thank for that.”


We sit in our living room, surrounded by our children and their spouses. Just a quiet little evening together to exchange Christmas gifts.

I watch as Gretchen holds Sarah on her lap while she reads a book to her.

I find myself wondering if she and Colton will ever have children. I would love that for them, I know my son loves children. I also know that Gretchen’s parents were and are still godawful and I’m not the kind of person to pass judgment, but I’m not a fan of those people. To be blessed with such an amazing daughter and not loving her like she deserves to be loved.

Shame on them.

“What’s on your mind?” Colt, my husband stands at my side and places his arm around my waist.

“I want so much for that girl,” I wish more than anything I could erase every sad memory Gretch has ever had. “I want her to see that nothing from her past is her fault, and not let it set the course for their future.”

“Are you talking about babies?”

“Maybe,” yes of course I am. I want my son to be a father.

“Let them set their own course.” Colt leans over and offers me a kiss. “She’s going to be surrounded by babies, and look at her now.” He whispers near my ear. “Give it time and she’ll see how she’ll make an amazing mother, even if her own was shit. She’s got you babe, and she’s got Gemma and my mom, all spoiling her and loving her. She’ll find her way babe.”