“I can’t wait,” she declares before looking back at the scene before us. Garrett raises his brow, and I chuckle.

“Seems like your little ladies eager to give us more grandbabies. Your momma is gonna love that.”

It’s hard to believe that my boys are as grown as they are. Looking back over the years, the struggles Maria and I had, mostly at my hands. I’d gone through a messy divorce, making the mistake of marrying the wrong woman and it sent me down a path I wasn’t proud of. I mistreated Maria, and dragged her through my mess, and for that I will always hold regret.

Yet somehow, someway she and I made it through, stronger for it and the love I still hold years later for my woman is baffling. She’s my rock, the one person that taught me the true meaning of love and she is the person that brought me two amazing boys. Two men I am proud to call my sons.

* * *


I walk into the bedroom after an exhausting day of cooking and cleaning up. Not to mention the emotional news of not one but two babies being added to our crazy family. One of those babies, my grandchild and I can’t help the smile that takes over my face.

“Still feeling the high I see,” Gavin pulls back the covers and taps at the empty space beside him.

I walk over to the bed and climb in at his side, laying my head on his chest. “It feels like just yesterday Mikey and Garrett were fighting over the PlayStation controllers and wrestling in the living room. Now they are getting married and having babies.”

“Is it weird that I’m perfectly happy right here, doing this exact thing. Being a grandpa, years ago it was horrifying to think I’d be called that by anyone. But now, every time I hear Sarah call out for me I’m in awe.”

“Even when its two am and she’s up for the tenth time?”

“Especially then,” Gavin declares. I look up at Gavin with a smile.

“She’s so cuddly and all she really wants when she does that is a little company.” I say admiringly.

“So if I’m feeling cuddly, do I need to start screaming for you and you’ll give me some love?” Gavin gives me a wink.

Still after all these years one mischievous glance from Gavin and I feel like I am on fire from the inside out.

Lifting my body up, I climb over him, straddling his waist. “Are you trying to tell me you need some love?”

He nods.

“What do you have in mind?”

Suddenly he slides his palms up my bare thighs and for the next hour my husband makes sure that I remember I amsomuch more than a grandma.

ben and leann



“Chloe told me I’d find you here,” I step in through the plastic covering the doorway to find my son-in-law measuring some drywall. He looks up, laying the tape measure down and writing down the measurement.

“Just thought I’d get a little work done.”

“It’s the holidays.” I tell him moving in closer. I hate to see that he’s struggling and what I hate more is not being able to fix it.

“Also a time that reminds me he’s gone.”

Landon’s suffering cuts deep.

Chloe is my only child. I don’t regret that, but when she married Landon I gained the son I never had. He’s a good man who is grieving and if it means that all I can do is be here, sitting silent at his side, I’ll do it.

My daughter is hurting because her husband is hurting and in the end that means I hurt too.

“Finishing this room for your mom is a great gesture to him,” I walk over and grab the hammer. “He wanted your mom to have this craft room so what do you say I offer a hand.”