He has no idea what it says and doesn’t care, he just wants to wear grandpa’s shirt.

I glance up to find Grace looking at me, and that’s when I repeat Blake’s movement tapping on my chest. Only I pause over my heart and give her a nod, telling her without words just how incredibly happy I am to have this news.

Grace and I have always had a way of telling one another all we need to say without actually having a conversation. She is her momma through and through, but when she is angry or upset, Reed Jackson comes out in her. Watch out when she’s pissed, the ring of fire will ignite.


“I knew you were hiding something,”I hold Grace’s face in my hands looking at my sweet girl. She may be an adult but she will always be my baby. Both her and Rhett are, and will always be the two sweet kids that Reed and I protected and molded into the perfect people they are today.

I’m so proud, beyond words, over the moon. Rhett has built a life with my beautiful daughter in law AJ and though I cared for Harley, AJ is the one Rhett was meant to love. She keeps him on his toes and I see the way she looks at my boy, like he’s hung her the moon and stars. I wanted that for him. I wanted him to find someone that was independent yes, but also refused to live without him.

He found that in AJ and together they’ve given me two beautiful grandchildren.

Now here I am, standing in my parents rec room finding out that we have another little miracle on the way. Only this time my beautiful daughter and her husband are the ones offering the news.

Terrance isn’t the man I had in mind when I thought of Grace and her future. He was Rhett’s crazy wild friend, and until I found out the life he led behind the mask I thought he wastoowild.

I can honestly say I have never been more happy to be wrong.

Terrance is an amazing man, a loving and devoted husband that reminds me a lot of Reed. A little rough around the edges but loves fiercely and will go above and beyond to protect and care for those he loves.

He’s the perfect man for Grace, because I know he will always ensure she is taken care of and never goes a day without knowing how much she is loved. We may have spoiled her growing up, but that man spoils our girl something fierce now.

He works hard to give her everything he can and seeing the smiles on my children’s faces, that’s all a mother truly wants.

“Congratulations baby girl,” Reed moves in behind me and hugs us both in his arms.

“Thanks Daddy,” Grace whispers through her tears just before Rhett joins us for a little family hug.

We share a perfect moment, before we clean up our faces and turn to everyone else as we watch them all congratulate our sweet girl and her husband.

gavin and maria



“Maddison,” Grace hollers out from across the room and the two of them find one another in the crowd.

Little Sarah is climbing my legs as I hold out my hands to her, trying to keep her from falling. She is a ball of energy so unlike her daddy, who was quiet and reserved growing up. But dammit I love this little fireball; she keeps us all on our toes.

“Isn’t there something you want to say?” Grace challenges Maddison and Colton, her father and I share a look.

“No,” Maddison waves Grace off and looks at Mikey for help, but all he offers is a shrug and a smile.

“Another time,” Maddison tries once more, but Grace isn’t giving up.

“Now is good,” she pushes a little more. “You know me, I won't give up until I get my way.”

“Because you are spoiled and a pain in my ass,” my daughter in law flashes Grace a glare, but she’s anything but mad.

Again Maddison looks at Mikey and the two of them have a silent conversation before he stands to join his wife.

“Looks like Grace and Terrance aren’t the only two that have been offered a Christmas miracle,” Mikey says, placing his arm over Maddison’s shoulder. “Seems Sarah is getting a little brother or sister in the next seven months.”

My wife jumps up, squealing as she works her way through the mass of people. Alexis is close behind and Colton and I observe as our wives act like two doting grandmothers.

Glancing over to Garrett, who sits beside Kyra, I lean a little closer. “You see what you two have to look forward to?” They both look at me and Kyra’s eyes are filled with tears.