
The mating heat felt as all-consuming as ever, yet this time with Wrin was so much more. Love shone from his eyes, radiated from every reverent touch. The pulse of the connection between us pounded in my chest, stronger even than my heart.

I shattered around him and came together again, feeling stronger and more loved than ever.

Wrin’s vibrating tail stroked over me, caressing my skin with licks of fire. I whimpered, consumed by sensation. He filled me over and over again, each thrust a slow, deliberate assault on my senses.

I raised my head to lick at his chest, to taste the salt of his skin. He was delicious everywhere, his sweet precum tasting of caramel and sin. Next time I would make him finish in my mouth, give me another piece of him.

But the mating heat had me, and nothing compared to the hot length of him sliding inside me, bringing us as close together as two people could be. I tightened my legs, lifting my hips until he hit that magic spot inside me that made me gasp and clamp tight around him.

He moaned and paused, holding himself deep in me while he pressed his forehead to mine.

“I love you.” I gripped his shoulders, clinging to him. “I love you so much.”

“My soul’s breath,” he groaned, beginning to move again, each stroke of his length setting me on fire. “I love you, forever.”

I wanted his knot, craved it, and yet I wanted this to never end, for us to truly have forever like this, just the two of us moving together in love and pleasure.

We stayed like that, each of us holding off the end for as long as possible as the pleasure built and built into a roaring blaze that set my heart racing and stole the breath from my lungs. Wrin panted, every line of his body tense with the same coiled promise that wound through me.

His tail slid done my front, buzzing over my sensitive nub. Fire flashed through me, an inferno of sensation that burned along every nerve. My back arched, and I hung caught in endless pleasure as I screamed, “Wrin!”

“Vivv! My Vivv!” he groaned, thrusting deep as his knot swelled, locking us together in another burst of delight.

By the time I regained my senses, Wrin had rolled us so I was on top. I wiggled a little, the feel of the knot tugging at my entrance sending aftershocks through me.

I pushed up onto my elbows to look at him. “How long will we be locked together?”

“I don’t know.” He brushed his fingers over my forehead. “I’ve read that it takes about a month to settle to its set length. The first times are always the longest. It also varies from couple to couple, but for most, it usually releases in a few hours.”

I hummed.

“Don’t you like it?”

“I love it! It’s not that. It’s just that it makes it harder to fight like this.”

“I’m sure, between the two of us, we would be a formidable opponent no matter what.” He grinned up at me, his tongue playing over his fangs. “Besides, I thoroughly scanned this entire area before we landed. There’s nothing larger than a kreecat near.”

My eyes flickered over the green and orange underbrush, the purple fronded trees. I hadn’t seen anything other than birds, but the shuttle had probably scared most of the animals away. “Are kreecats the biggest animals on the planet?”

“No, there are some wolf analogues and also bears.”

I lay back down, resting my cheek on his shoulder as Wrin told me everything he knew about our new world.

We talked and planned for hours about how we’d have the planet as a home while also flying regular missions on theDaredevil. It was everything I could have ever dreamed—a home for all the women under my careanda way for me to escape on a ship every so often, bound for new places and adventures.

We wove a wonderful future of possibility with our words, love pouring along our mate bond.

Way too early the next morning, a chime rang from the cockpit.

I groaned and rolled over, pulling the pillow over my head.

“Still not a morning person, I see,” Wrin teased, his mouth hot on my shoulder.

The chime came again, louder this time.

“I swear, if you don’t make it stop, I’m going to stab something.” He’d given me a new wrin dagger to replace the one I’d ruined destroying the Grug telepathy-field computers. That one he’d mounted on the wall of our cabin as a battle trophy.