Wrin held his arms out. “I’ll catch you.”

I didn’t hesitate. Trusting him completely, I dove forward, falling in an adrenaline rush for a split second before he plucked me from the air and cradled me to him.

Words tingled on my tongue, but this wasn’t the time or place, especially when I couldn’t see his dear face.

So I pressed my palm to his chest, right over the area where the mate bond anchored, and sent all my love flowing to him.



The most amazing sensation thrummed through the mate bond and filled me with all the warmth of a thousands suns. My Vivv, in my arms and in my heart forever.

An annoyed grunt yanked my gaze upward to where Gravin hung on the lip of the door, waiting for me to get out of the way.

The others came through after him, and we hurried out onto the dusty gray surface of the moon.

A shape moved across the stars, then banked to come in for a landing. TheSaber, one of my most heavily armed shuttles.

“Get in, everyone! Your ride’s here,” Mol-Lee called out.

We cycled through the airlock in two groups, and spread across the main cabin, pulling chairs out of the light-blue walls.

I yanked off my helmet and synched my comp through the shuttle’s more powerful comms relay to call Tark. “Report.”

“It’s one of those good news, bad news situations,” Tark’s cheery voice said. “Bad news, I ignored your order and stopped working on theDaredevil, so it’s not ready yet. Good news, now that we’ve got theSaberflying, we know exactly how to fix all the ships.”

“That’s amazing,” Vivv said.

“It’s all Ell-Laa’s idea. We were ripping up floor panels in theDaredevil’s engine room, bemoaning that we had so much area to cover.”

“Aww, hell. It wasn’t much. Just thought it’d be easier to find the problem in a smaller ship, is all.”

“It was brilliant!” Tark said. “And you were exactly right. It would have taken usdaysto find the problem with a ship as large as theDaredevil. The Grug were smart. They didn’t put the kill switch in the engine room or on the bridge where you’d first look for it. No, the frekkers hid it in a regular relay junction about halfway between the two.”

“Get a comms signal out to the fleet letting them know the telepathy field is down so they can come and give us backup.”

“Already done, along with the kill-switch fix, so the Grug can’t turn off their ships.”

“Tell them to do it in route and to burn hard,” I said. “And let Senator Devalia know that we’ve learned to counter two of the Grug’s main defenses. It’s time for the Senate to force them to negotiate.”

“Having a fleet of warships in orbit will help with that.” Vivv grinned at me, baring her teeth, fierceness blazing in her lovely eyes.

I smiled back, flashing my fangs. “Indeed, it will.”

By the time the Grug called in their first warship to counter us, Tark and Ell-Laa had theDaredevil’s engine on.

“Fire a warning shot across their bow.”

“Yes, boss,” Sul said, his voice filled with glee.

“Does it have to be awarningshot?” Vivv asked from her seat beside me onDaredevil’s fully functioning bridge.

“Sadly, yes. We still need them to sign the new treaty.”

“I’m not saying we kill them.” She held up her hand, her thumb and forefinger an inch apart. “We could put a little hole in them. Just enough to let them know we mean business.”

“No one could doubt your ferocity, my hellcat.” I picked up her knife hand and pressed a kizz to it. “Why don’t you take the fight to them with words?”