“Me no worry. Me know we all maximum good fighters.”

I laughed and repeated Max’s words aloud as he pranced around Wrin’s calves. When Wrin chuckled, the warm sound rolled through me, and I grinned at him, our triumph finally sinking in.

“We did it!”

His eyes filled with admiration. “Youdid it, my most amazing mate.”

“Me help!”

I tapped at Wrin’s shoulders to be let down, and as soon as my feet touched the ground, I picked up Max, burying my face in his soft fur.

Wrin wrapped his arms around us both and said, “Thank you, Maximum Good Hunter.”

Max’s purr ratcheted through the room.

This was everything I’d ever needed, right here. A little family full of love and support.

And able to kick major ass together.

“Frek!” A shot whined through the air as Sul stunned one of the Grug only a couple of feet away from me. “Some of these frekkers are starting to move again.”

“It’s the ones I stunned with a regular blaster,” I said.

“Does anyone still have a working Sjisji blaster?” Wrin asked.

A chorus of nos.

“We need to get the frek out of here,” Gravin growled.

Raxnor grunted in agreement.

“And go where?” Cara asked. “No one’s called from theDaredevilyet, and our suits only have a couple more hours of air.”

Shit. She was right.

Another Grug stirred, and I shot it.

“Do we even know that I did enough damage here?” I waved toward the computer alcove. “Are they going to be able to plug in new computers and start it up again immediately?”

“I’ll break,”a high, sweet voice said as Glitter coalesced in the air into a shimmering golden cloud that floated into the alcove in a shower of sparks. She sank into the floor for a few seconds before reappearing, finally solidifying into her flying squirrel form.“It’s done.”

“Glitter!” I gaped at her. Max had said she’d brought him, but the fight had kept me from fully processing it. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to help stop bad solids. They make annoying noise all the time. My people tired of it.”

“Why didn’t you just fly down here and do that from the start?” Raxnor grumbled.

“Sound too loud. Viv had to stop it first.”

“Stop complaining. It’s frekking taken care of.” Sul walked over and scooped her out of the air. “That’s my girl!”

Another Grug shoved upwards, and Wrin stunned it. “We still need to get out of here. We need a pickup.”

“Ella and Tark fixed,”Glitter said.“Come outside now.”

As Wrin and I put on our helmets, Glitter faded from view, and Max rose into the air. Smugness flowed into my mind.“Me fly, too!”

He definitely had the easiest time of it, Glitter carrying him up into the hole in the ceiling and down the other side, while the rest of us had to climb over. Wrin went first, and when Sul lifted me up to the top of the door, I teetered on the edge of a sixteen-foot fall.