I just needed to hold out a little bit longer. Dull or not, my knife still came to a point, and the physics of it all meant I could stab the Grug a lot easier than I could punch it.

I palmed the hilt right as the gray alien reached for me. I jammed it into its forearm, digging in and twisting the blade.

It jerked away, taking my knife with it, only to be replaced by another alien, whose hands clamped onto my helmet.

“Guess I’m going to see if I really got the telepathy field down or not.” If I was about to lose my mind, I wanted my last thought to be a good one.

Wrin, I love you!

With a twist, it came free. I bared my teeth as my whole body tensed, preparing for a devastating mental blow.

That never came.

The alien spun out of view, thrown aside by a great force.

And there was Wrin, tall and fierce and fighting for me.

A sob tore from my throat.

A muffled shout came from inside his helmet. Then he yanked it from his head, his dear face coming into view. “Vivv!”

“Wrin!” I wanted to throw myself at him, but we were still surrounded by Grug.

“Sjisji blaster?” he asked, as he punched one of the drones off of him.

“Dead battery,” I said, gesturing to the pile of stunned gray aliens.

“That’s my hellcat.” Pride shone in his eyes, and he handed me his blaster and went back to hand-to-hand fighting. “I see you got the telepathy-field down.”

“Damn straight I did.” I shot one of the closer Grug, hitting it over and over again in the same spot until it dropped right in front of two others. Then I spun and repeated it on the other side, keeping them away from him as much as I could, so he only had to fight one on one.

Not that he needed much help. God, he was something. Each of his punches landed like a sledgehammer, and his kicks were devastating. The way he moved was violence made poetry.

I could watch him forever.

The high whine of blaster shots came from across the room, lots of them.

I grinned. “Sounds like the cavalry’s coming.”

He flashed me a feral smile, his fangs gleaming against his blue skin, then punched another Grug.

One of the stunned Grug behind Wrin started to get up, and a streak of black fur raced over. Max planted his front feet and twisted his hips, sending his tail lashing out to sting the gray alien into paralyzed stillness.

“Max! Oh, god! What are you doing here?”

“Glitter brought me.”He said it so matter-of-factly, as if flying through empty space without tangible protection was nothing.“Me want fight, too. Bad aliens took me from home. Bad aliens no hurt new friend.”

Oh. My heart pinched with love and worry, but before I could do anything to get him to leave, he yowled, spinning around and whipping his tail into the leg of a Grug.

It toppled over, but another Grug stepped forward, and I went back to shooting.

Wrin, Max, and I fought on, and the others kept working their way toward us. All together, we mopped up the rest of the Grug quickly, until finally only we remained standing among all the copper coils.

Wrin took two big steps and scooped me up into his arms, pressing our foreheads together as we breathed each other in, staring into each other’s eyes.

“I thought I’d lost you,” he whispered, his voice ragged and guttural.

I swallowed down the lump in my throat to eke out a, “Me, too.”