Max preened some more, and I fussed over him, petting the soft fur of his back and scratching around his little horns until his purr filled the air.

Eventually, the present he’d brought me caught his attention, and this time when I said he should have it, Max carried it over to the side of the grove and began to eat.

I turned away and tapped the edge of Wrin’s phone. “Show me more.” Unless he’d gone to the trouble of faking an entire database of information, everything he told me right now seemed real, and I needed all the information I could get.

We leaned close to both see as he showed me photos of more of the seven sectors, his arm brushing my shoulder in little licks of heat and awareness.



I could have done more. I could have changed my comp over to the Hyoo-mon language and shown Vivv how to use it for herself.

Instead, I reveled in her closeness as she asked insightful questions. When she got excited about something, she leaned against my arm, her hand stretched forward to touch the screen.

It was torture. Sheer endless torture that had my cock throbbing against the fabric of my pants.

And I reveled in every second of it.

Vivv. I rolled the special friend name over in my mind. She’d given the cat permission to use it but not me. It didn’t matter—I’d steal the familiarity for myself. She was my soul’s breath.

Her full name held beauty and complexity, just like her. But Vivv was a short, sharp stab of a name, lovely in its own way. It suited her well.

The evening wore on, turning into night proper, and the temperature dropped. A shiver settled into her, making her tremble against me with cold. She ignored it, but I could not.

“Come.” I stood and pulled her under the rock shelf. Removing the stealth fabric from her body, I spread it out and added the pack to one end as a pillow. Dried grivwood needles softened the ground, but this was far from the bed my mate deserved.

I took off my improvised cloak and sat, pulling her down beside me. Then I tipped us both onto our sides, my body curled around hers, my chest to her back. I spread the cloth over us and wrapped an arm around her to pull her even closer until my thighs pressed against hers.

She went stiff, her hands pushing at my arm. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Keeping you warm, nothing more.” I tightened my grip, letting her know I meant my words and wouldn’t give in.

Vivv’s hands stopped shoving, and she let her head fall to the pack. As it grew warmer under the cloth, she relaxed even more. Her shivering stopped, and her muscles loosened until she melted against me, soft and pliable.

The ecstatic tingling of my rulaa remained a constant when near her, but now that we weren’t moving or talking, the feeling threatened to overwhelm me. My tail vibrated, and the only way to calm it was to let it curl around her calves, holding her close.

My chest burned where it touched her, my thighs as well, and I had to force myself not to rock my hips forward and grind my erection into her pert ass. Ignoring the ache of my cock felt impossible, but if I violated her trust now, I’d never regain it. I’d promised my soul’s breath I’d do nothing but hold her.

As her sweet scent filled my nose, I’d never regretted giving my word more.

I snapped awake, my forehead tingling a warning. Careful to hold still, I forced my breaths to remain slow and deep.

The faint crunch of a foot stepping onto dried needles came from behind me, and my back prickled. I’d arranged us so Vivv faced the protection of the rock wall, leaving myself exposed, and thank frek I had. Whatever this was, it would have to go through me to get to her.

I felt the moment she came awake, her body tensing against mine. But her instincts were good. My mate remained still but for the hand slowly creeping toward the knife in her thigh pocket.

Pride filled me, and a feral grin stretched my cheeks.That’s my little hellcat.

Another crunch, closer this time.

I tossed off the stealth fabric and rolled.

The dark form of a Zaarn stood over us, backlit by the glow of the valoree trees.

I kept rolling, plowing into their calves with the full force of my body.

The blaster flew from their hands as they went down, hitting the ground with a deep grunt.