“What are you doing?”

“I thought we could shower together. Like the waterfall.” His eyes heated.

Desire flashed through me at the thought of his mouth on me while water poured over our bodies. “Yep! Good plan.”

When we stepped outside of our room an hour later, Tark stood waiting for us.

Before he could speak, Lila dashed up to me in a streak of purple.“Friend! Me stay with Glitter and Mollie and Sul. But me miss you!”

“I missed you too, niña.” I leaned over to stroke my hand down her back. “But sometimes the big people need to be alone.”

“No,”she grumped.“Me always great!”

I laughed and looked up at Raxnor, my inner muscles clenching at the remembered feel of his knot. No matter what my friend thought, he and I definitely needed alotof alone time.

When I straightened, Tark stepped forward and whipped his hand around from behind his back.

“Is this what I think it is?” A sense of wonder filled me, and I reached out, making gimme hands.

Tark handed me a bubble helmet, the inside coated with silver metal. “If you think it’s the first helmet made withyourzurilium, then yes, it’s exactly what you think it is.” He grinned widely.

“Smartass,” Raxnor growled, his tone full of affection as he took a playful swipe at the other male.

I ran my fingers over the inner surface, the metal smooth and cool to the touch. “How do we know if it works?”

“Put it on and see if you can contact Lila,” Tark said. “Kreecats seem to use the same kind of telepathy as the Grug.”

I placed the helmet over my head, plunging myself into a twilight world that stopped only inches from my face. “This is kind of claustrophobic. I can’t see anything.”

“I’ll put a viewscreen inside once we know the new zurilium works.”

“Okay,” I said. Then I concentrated, thinking as loudly as I could,“Lila! Come here, niña.”

No answer. That had to mean it worked! Excitement set my heart racing.

But science needed reproducible results not hope, so I called to her again,“Lila! Come here, please!”

Two little horns dug into my calf, and a spurt of disappointment hit me. Lila had come just like I’d asked.“What did you do that for?”

Instead of hearing any kind of answer, I got another headbutt, this one even more insistent.

“Oww!” The word echoed, and I yanked off the helmet. “What did you do that for?” I asked again.

“Friend go away!”Lila wailed inside my head. She jumped up to put her paws on my thigh, her big eyes beseeching.“Friend here, but friend no here! Me no like! No go away again!”

“Oh, sweetie.” I crouched and set the helmet down to scoop her up into my arms. “I’m sorry. It’s something I needed to do to make sure the bad gray aliens can’t hurt us again.”

“Does that mean…?” Raxnor asked, Tark waiting impatiently by his side.

“Yep!” I looked up at the two of them, happiness filling my chest. “It worked! I couldn’t hear Lila, and she got upset because she couldn’t hear me either.”

Tark let out a whoop and scooped the helmet off the floor. “I’ve got so many of these to make!” He took off down the hallway, almost running in his excitement.

Lila leaped from my lap and took off after him.“Food?”

A huff of amusement escaped me. Tark headed for the elevator, but the mess hall was also that way, and food was the only thing she could imagine being that thrilled about.

I bounced to my feet and hugged Raxnor. “We did it!”