Dear mother of god, please.

“What do we do, boss?” Kirel called out.

Gut wrenching silence.

“Raxnor doesn’t have his helmet,” Tark said. “He can’t answer.”

His words offered a tiny thread of hope, and I clung to it, my eyes still latched onto the unmoving pile of bodies.

The Tula spread out, blasters trained on all of us.

I lowered my own gun.

They started dragging their unconscious people into an orderly line by the back wall. One of them—probably a medic—moved from lizard to lizard, waving a small device over each. Eventually, some of them pulled the bodies off Raxnor.

I dropped my gun and ran forward. The fuckers could stun me if they wanted to.

I fell to my knees beside him, my hands fluttering over him, not knowing where I could safely touch. Did his chest even move?

“Raxnor?” Mierda, he couldn’t hear me through the sound-proofed helmet. “Fuck it,” I muttered and lifted it from my head.

Ignoring all the shocked exclamations filling the room, I leaned over and pressed my forehead to his.

His skin was warm, and his breath puffed against my lips.

Relief coursed through me, and I bit back a happy sob.

But he still didn’t move.

“Raxnor, please.” I pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “Please come back to me.”

His eyes fluttered open, his expression a little dazed as he looked at me. “Zo-Fee?”

“Yes! It’s me!”

Then his gaze flicked past me, his purple eyes hardening. “You’re not safe.”

“Of course I am,” I lied. “You kept me safe.” Not a lie. He’d done everything anyone could do and more. None of this was on him.

He sat up.

“Should you be moving? Your thigh…” I reached toward his leg, my hand hovering in the air, afraid to touch the deep gashes.

“It’s nothing,” he growled.

Mierda! This guy could lose the whole damned leg and say it was “nothing.” Stoic didn’t even begin to describe it.

He climbed to his feet and turned in a slow circle, taking in the whole room.

I stood, too.

Sul and Kirel stood in front of the main door, each with a Tula pointing a blaster at them. Tark leaned against the wall near us, Vree’s cleaner body by his side. Everyone had their helmets off.

Lila trotted over to press against my calf. “Where’s Glitter? Is she okay?” I asked. “She took a stun shot meant for me.”

“I sent her to warn Mol-Lee,” Sul said.

I let out a relieved breath, glad the starwisp was fine.