It meanteverything.

I touched his forehead in that way he liked, emotion welling in my chest, filling me until I thought I would burst.I love him. I could finally admit it. I tossed away a lifetime of worry over falling too fast. I loved this big grump with all of my heart.

“We’re here!” Mollie called out, and the cabin rustle with motion.

Raxnor released the safety straps, and Lila half jumped, half swam through the air. Her little legs flailed, her tail snapping from side to side.“Me no like!”

“It’s only for a little bit,” I said. “Once we’re on the station, we’ll have full gravity. It’s time to let Raxnor carry you.”

“Okay.”She didn’t sound happy and yowled when she flew close to Sul, and he snatched her out of the air before she could claw his suit.

“Easy now. I’ve got you.” His hands and voice were so gentle that she stilled.

I gave him a grateful smile, which he echoed with one of his own.

Raxnor stood, pulling me up with him, and his hand guided mine to a hold. Then he pulled a small yellow bag from a cabinet and opened it up. “This is made to hold atmosphere in space. It’ll keep her comfortable as we cross.”

Lila squirmed as Raxnor brought the bag close, and her mental voice rose to a wail.“No like cages!”

“Wait!” I called out, reaching for him with my free hand. “The Grug and Tula caged her. She’s terrified. Is there a bag she can see out of? It might help.”

“No.” Raxnor lifted the bag. “This is all we have.”

“Lila, sweetie,”I sent,“why don’t you stay here and keep Mollie company while she flies the shuttle?”It would be safer, too.

“No! Me help! Friend no fight bad lizards alone!”

“Meirda!” I met Raxnor’s eyes. “I don’t know what to do. She insists on coming.”

“I can take her!”Glitter said.


“Oh, yeah!” Mollie called over her shoulder. “Glitter can make a habitable bubble in space that’s completely transparent. Lila won’t even know she’s in it.”

“Me go Glitter!”Lila said.

Glitter leaped from Kirel’s shoulder and became invisible.

Lila floated up out of Sul’s hands and began to “walk” in the air toward the outer hatch. She looked like she moved on solid ground, each step seeming to find purchase on a firm surface.

Tark stood against the other wall, his fist shoved into his mouth as his shoulders shook.

If Lila noticed him laughing, she didn’t care. She just kept prancing along.

Neither Sul nor Kirel seemed very surprised.

But Raxnor stood transfixed, his mouth hanging open. Here was the guy who knew how to ride a dragon shocked by my cat!

I grinned, the entire incident having cut some of the tension I’d felt at the thought of facing the lizards again. And the reality of it all finally sank in.

I’m not alone this time. It’snotgoing to be the same. Not when I have Raxnor and Lila and all the rest of them with me.

I took the helmet Raxnor handed me and settled in into place.

“Let’s do this.”