My fingers caressed her forehead, even as my own rulaa tingled with awareness of her. “My soul’s breath, your very presence is more of a gift than any I ever expected to receive. You owe me nothing.”

A sheen of tears brightened her eyes. “If you keep saying beautiful things like that, I’m going to have to kizz you.”

“Then I will attempt to be as silver-tongued as Kirel.” I brushed my thumb over her bottom lip. “I will do anything for you, my most special Zo-Fee.”

She reached for my lower horns, pulling me down into the promised kizz, and I lost myself in the joy of her mouth.



Raxnor kissed me as if his life depended upon it, and I clung to his horns, pretty damned sure they were the only things keeping me standing when my knees went weak.

When he tried to pull away, I hung on, teasing the base of his fangs with the tip of my tongue. He groaned and crushed me to him, lifting my feet from the floor.

“Raxnor!” a deep voice barked, stern with the snap of command.

“Mierda, sorry!” I whispered as Raxnor let me slowly slide down the front of his body. This time, I let my fingers slip from his horns.

“Never apologize, my mate. Your desire for me is a thing of beauty.” Then he spun to the side, so we both faced the door, a steadying arm still around my shoulders.

The captain stood in the doorway, his frown icy. “While I can appreciate that the mating pull is difficult to resist, the sooner we have this meeting, the sooner you can both get to… other pursuits.”

Raxnor grunted his affirmative grunt. “Coming, Captain.”

The hallway outside had emptied while we’d been in Tark’s workshop. Plain, light-blue walls led down to an elevator, where Mollie and Hazel waited with their husbands and the captain. Everything was clean and in good repair, but unadorned.

Everyone shuffled around to fit inside the elevator, and I took Raxnor’s words to heart and squeezed in beside the other women. I didn’t want to cause him any extra stress.

The elevator carried us swiftly upward, and we emerged onto another light-blue hallway. “Is everything in the ship painted blue?” I asked as we walked along it.

“Oh, yeah,” Mollie said. “It’s everywhere.”

“The Zaarn do it because they know a blue backdrop makes them look pretty.” Hazel shot her husband a teasing grin.

“I look good in any color.”

Sul gave a big belly laugh and clapped Kirel on the shoulder. “Only you would be glad to be called pretty.”

“Nothing wrong with pretty, especially when you look like me.” Kirel wiggled his shoulders.

Raxnor snorted in amusement as Tark laughed.

“I’m standing right here,” Captain Wrin said as he came to a halt in front of a door. “You could at least pretend to have some modicum of discipline.”

It took me a moment to realize he was joking, his delivery had been so dry.

“Sorry, Captain.” Tark grinned. Instead of promising to change, he said, “It’ll definitely happen again.”

Wrin’s lips twitched, and he punched a control panel to open the door. Inside, a long rectangular table surrounded by chairs took up most of the room. One of the long walls looked onto the bridge, where a few Zaarn sat in front of consoles similar to the controls on the shuttle. Viewscreens lined the other long wall, showing a scattering of stars.

The captain sat at the head of the table, and the rest of us took our seats, with me between Mollie and Raxnor, and Hazel directly across from me.

“Wait.” Tark’s head swiveled. “Where are Gravin, Car-Raa, Fran-Key, and Zol?”

“Kirel found another group of human women to rescue,” Hazel said, turning adoring eyes on her husband. “They took a shuttle.”

“Oh, no! Are lizards buying them?” I asked. The thought of anyone else going through what I had filled me with dread. And the lizards hadn’t even treated me that badly considering all the things that could be done to a person.